Climbing Up To The Roof
Seen to be seeing an Angel with a pitcher in hand pouring water on especially the eastern part of the nation or the map. There seem to be unthinkable manners of natural disasters, of water logged lives, properties on the map 02/13/2008 A Voice Declaring: "We Will Build An Ark," there's something about America, about mankind being brought to the brink of extinction where millions will perish on the map 10/15/2008 (see Revelation, Armageddon). -Seen to be seeing rushed drivers risking their lives, their children lives by perilous flood waters up to eight, even ten feet or more 11/05/2009
-Seen to be climbing up and staying on roof top to escape explosive flood waters 10/26/2009
-There’s something about having a memorial party, celebration of the dead strangely on the map 03/08/2010
A Voice Declaring:Climb Up To The Roof Top, you got four hours, another, more strange matter of getting to the rooftop, of climbing up to safety on the map 03/06/2010
Hear Thee A Shepherd Song 06/10/2004
The Shepherd Song
The Communicator
Now Concerning End-times My Brethren
By: Apostle/Prophet P. A. Bradford
-Those of my earthly family that stood with me at the hospital over a year ago right before our mother past heard me suggest that everyone should at least have a grab (emergency reserve) bag in their automobile. What you’re to understand is because of a forewarning concerning the smoke of America’s burning that was given to me during the early eighties recently growing all the more into being an exact and current danger this apostle of Jesus Christ have been planning grab bags long before the September 11th attacks of 2001.
-Especially after the Holy Spirit forewarn me only months prior to this unforeseen assault that something terrible was about to happen in America and when this happen people would listen all the more too cautious messages like this one. Notwithstanding I admit I took this forewarning to mean some ten plus years into the future sadly did I, my fellow Americans and thousands of non-suspecting victims that were killed learn the horrid truth the horrid way.
17. Seen to be seeing war on American Soil, an enemy of Arab descent, a voice declaring: “Warsaw” 09/14/1998
-Although a grab bag is the least we can do at preparing ourselves against the biblical proportional storms from the heavens, the earth and from man that’s to come, yes targeting America’s very soil primarily it’s something besides witless, heedless Americans putting all their faith, all their hope in both this nation’s and this world leaders that “CANNOT” save them. Preparing a grab bag isn’t biblical, spiritual or lunacy it’s actually wise, that you’re to have at your disposal all things in case the worse happen.
-Evenly as I write this to you, Americans are being forewarn by homeland security and other such the like organizations that a plan of murder and destruction, a terrorist attack on American soil is actually imminent and since I’ve been seeing these things happen with such dramatic force and accuracy having right at hand available supplies in a crisis is truly a display of wisdom and you know how Americans like to be thought of as being wise.
18. Seen to be seeing war on American soil, an enemy of Asian descent, a voice declaring “West Worthy” 09/19/1998
-You can argue this triple threat against her, this is to mean if man’s war fail her soil, then natural disasters unprecedented will target her. Whereas if both man and natural disasters fail her soil then asteroids and meteors showers are yes willing and waiting. Justly you can argue these paramount cataclysms are spiritual and are because of America’s abominable detestations and her blatant refusal to acknowledge God unto repentance.
-Suitably one could say it’s because America like all nations have a blood debt to pay and thus it’s the myriad souls of the Indian and African tribes crying that their blood be avenged yes on America, Britain and Canada (ABC) moneyed soil. Howbeit it could be the simple fact, faith the earth, the heavens even the mankind we now know are all destine according to biblical prophecy at passing away and by divine order making themselves new, ref. Mat, 24, Rev. 21, either descriptive she’s doomed.
19. Seen to be seeing war on American soil, the words Warsaw, West Worthy and a voice now declaring Epidemic (epidemic of wars) 09/21/1998
-Like I explained earlier I’ve been seeing the smoke of America’s burning since the early eighties and although this alone is unprecedented what I’ve instead been seeing in the last weeks, even days is that all the more personal as well is it atrocious. The Chaldeans (so called terrorist) are coming people and they’re coming with the ability, the authority to take America and burn her with fire and although President Bush is being saluted, kind of like Israel at Christ’s crucifixion is he again being award for his bravery at going to war against terrorism. With all fairness let us then see will He and His like Israel at reaping man’s slaughter sown which is death, even hell be as evenly brave.
-I’ve seen a nuclear explosion (woman) named Ci-buna come into contact with a target (a man) called Bal-ti-more did I see it destroy the eastern seaboard as far Midland as Missouri. I’ve seen asteroids happen to the north, earthquakes and such the like happen to the west and if Cirro-cumulus bombs coming into my vision and dreams as earthly as 1998 continue like at this very hour to flood portions of Texas, and let us not forget that regardless it’s to be the beginning of June, of summer, yet in Colorado four feet of hail fell yesterday burying many cars, I guess we can guess the south’s faith. Now imagine if those dime to quarter size hail rock had been the size of grapefruits or cantaloupes many people would be dead.
5. A Voice Declaring, Screaming Questionably: “A Cirro Cumulus bomb to hit New Texas?” 06/11/1998
-Ideally hearing a voice only months past reminding me of Abraham, of his nephew Lot and how we’re to remember Lot’s wife when just as soon was I forewarn how Tennessee. Unquestionably, how even the churches of Tennessee were awarded a penalty of capital punishment and death. This is why I testified earlier how it is a clear and present danger that was a far off that has drawn itself so at the moment that the visions and dreams proving my seeing gifts of the Godhead have all been those performances up close and personal. Just recently I awaken from a dream whereas my husband and I were poorly maneuvering our way through a maze of fallen trees that were so plenteous and so Jurassic in diameter it yet beggar description. I people can still hear the sound of this monster fall screeching along the side of our failing automobile and equally falling escape.
200,270. Seen to be moving, escaping horribly through a maze of gigantic size felled trees 01/07/2004
-Evidently even more exclusive was the meteor shower I found myself in only a week or so later. I was sitting outside with family and friends, it was a glorious sunny day. We were sitting adjacent the carport and the yard when all of sudden we heard a rustle in the tree branches, I can yet see this tree branch. Likewise just as soon, like what happen in Washington State only a few days ago, a small meteor exploding just over head was there a loud explosion and a repeat of these fire bombs came raining down right on us. Strangely I remember thinking in my haste to run for cover, how do you run, how do you escape a meteor shower? Of course this is what biblical scholars think destroyed the sin cities Sodom and Gomorra and would thus be the fulfillment of Abraham, Lot and remembering Lot’s wife, ref. Gen. 18:16-33, 19:15-29...
200,299. Seen To Be entertaining, seen to find ourselves in the midst of an explosive meteor shower, the days of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah on the map 01/13/2004
-I didn’t write this article to alarm you but to forewarn you that as it’s
been prophesied from Genesis mankind’s beginning to Revelation this identical mankind’s end, our world, indeed our country regardless of who this country or its world leaders are is changing. Controversially this violent, volatile and destructive change where millions of Americans will die in one dandy swoosh could be allowed all the more at forcing America’s hand into joining the European Union. This new world order that has also been prognosticated since the prophets of old, but even if it’s because all earth-bound kingdoms and nations from Assyria to Rome, from Great Britain, to Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union have met with similar faiths her inevitable demise is then an afterglow of this present world’s end.
-Noteworthedly, all you’re to know is America’s soil that has dodged this bullet for centuries making wars and killing millions in the process will no longer have this luxury, this freedom of manslaughter all debts are in- stead do. However like I did nearly seven years ago you’re more than welcome to search for such the like forewarnings on the myriad of Christian programming we have in this nation America but in the end in like manner all you’re to find passing before your sleepy, sedated eyes like a panorama is the name Jeremiah and the number, scripture 37.8 which will more than forewarn you, (8) And the Chaldean (God’s wrath, the terrorist) will come again, and fight against this city (Country) and take it and burn it with fire.
-Continuing does said scripture go on to forewarn, (9) deceive not your- selves saying the Chaldeans (God’s wrath, terrorists) will surely depart from you, from America for they shall not depart, (10) For though ye hath smitten the whole army of the Chaldeans (Al-Qaeda , Bin Laden, Muqtada al-Sadr, Taliban, Islam, Fallujah) and their remain but wounded men among them, yet should they rise up every man in his tent (estate), and burn this city (Country) with fire. This my brothers and sisters isn’t just about what I’ve seen but is it also about what I believe. Ideally what I believe is what God the Holy Spirit has been forewarning of mankind especially by the way of God’s chosen since the beginning of this man.
20. There’s something about the name, scripture, forewarning Jeremiah 37:8 09/23/1998
-Admittedly is my husband and my sons who are to work for a living on this earth to have doubts, like I had my own doubts right before the September 11th attacks, I’m sure many of you will as well. Undoubtedly the Holy Spirits that be carried me about three years ago (2001) possibly for the third or fourth time in my ministry on a seeing trip. Indubitably what I saw was a manner of destruction that had happen to America that left the entire country in ruin. I saw the White House had been completely demolished, that the Kennedy Space Center was equally annihilated as evenly was most of the country. If you’re wondering yes, this was months after I received the visions about Ci-Buna and Baltimore. Carrying on the last thing I heard these Holy Spirits that be say was the _____will be the most severely destroyed. Trying to do like a remind in these phenomenon circumstances was that without prevail. Although it doesn’t matter The United States of America as we know her at present was gone.
618. A Voice Declaring: “The bay will be destroyed” 05/05/2004
-Being accustom to keeping my car and my house so prepared when the worse happen, as so I’m to forewarn you. Ideally none of this will prevent the inevitable but at least those who’re to take heed to this forewarning will not be caught like the victims of September 11th, or the 10 unwise virgins, like those having lamps and no oil whose lord. Further even whose slaughterer is promised to come in likeness of a theft in a night which you’re to lest suspect his coming. Although is this unprecedented unaware to happen to children who’re both asleep and drunken in the night.
-Unmistakingly not to those heeding this Lord’s forewarning and are found to be children of the daylight or soberness. Is this yes the saving of our temporal but unless we repent, we repent we die today we’re in paradise is this a blessed hope. Truly only by preserving the temporal, the unre- pentant does the eternal barely stand a chance at repentance.
-Consciously only by the Holy Spirit living in me did I sub-consciously do last weeks’ end something I’ve never done, I was strongly encourage to buy bottle water and fix it into the trunk of our car. Likewise was I also assured to buy rolls of toilet paper and do the same, this was followed up by a few none perishable items, this people is how clear and present these dangers are to me. I heard just recently while watching a local broadcast how various Memphis Highways are to be reconstructed that we’re to drive straight through to Mexico, ideally if you listen closely to our government, that pentagon, White House and homeland security their eyes, hearts and exodus are all fixed on Mexico, on their borders.
-As you can herein realize this is not paranoia, neither is this a jump of the gun, America and the world over has for hundreds of years made themselves some rather bad tempered enemies but none as acrimonious and vindicatory as the supreme’s wrath crying aloud, sparing not “asteroid” “destroy Wisconsin” 2001. This is serious people, it can’t get more serious than this. He (God) alone is the one with power and authority to take peace from man that they kill one another. Fifty-fifty to order damater at sending forth a rider of death and the heavens to rain down plagues of stars, fire and brimstones except we all repent.
-Continuously the first exodus I found myself as a participant was performed in the early nineties by the way of a dream. In the dream I was in a fast acting exodus, running for my life when something concerning my childhood and a spring day crossed my path. Unmistakably a bouquet of the most extraordinary pinkest white roses blossoming right before my eyes completely deterred me by going on to unveil something glamorous, beautiful and mysterious I’d unknowingly sown; although soon back I was in this run to escape. Herein not if but when the worse happen I suggest you do as our leaders go south either to Texas into Mexico and further into Central America. Some will no doubt go as far South as Florida and by boat into the Caribbean or west to California, to Washington State clear through to Canada. Just so you remember America and Canada’s faith are identical and Canada can be nothing more than a rest stop again my brethren not if but when the worse happen.
-For a more conversant look at the fall of end-time Babylon (westernized religion, capitalization and civilization) I suggest you also read my works Remember, Return, Repent, The Rapture and the Sixth Seal, Darkness Falls part 1,2, The Sodom and Gomorrah Movement, And The Gates of Hell and last but not lease The Bill Cosby Show. If you’re interested in receiving any or all articles please send a check or money order in the amount of ten dollars for postage and handling per requested article payable to Patricia Bradford at The Rising Above Ministry, 693 Granada Road, Memphis, TN. 38109. Although forgive me if I don’t hold my breath for God like my brethren Prophet Ezekiel have no doubt send me as well to a people hard-head, stiff-neck and prudent who will not listen yet are you to know justifiably at God’s Kingdom coming His apostle/prophet is among you. That You Be Aware, that you be born again, Take Heed, Jesus would say, That No Man Deceive You, APB...
The American Exodus From 2000 to 2009
God’s Wrath Hath Budded
-In the year of our Lord 1999, 2000, I looked into a dream whereas the entire neighborhood, even the entire country were panic and running for their lives. It is because of this dream that the fictional work Preece Eboneee Be’le and the nation to world-wide exodus by Mega ship on the ocean blue exist. As so the African Continent, (the African Juttah), this battled world final safe haven, see Roland Emmerich movie, 2012, as so the one prior, The Day After Tomorrow.
-I remember I too began to panic, I too began to run when my haste to escape brought me to Dunlap Street. A street, a place I remember from my childhood, only when I recognized this place, I ran not to the front door but to the back of the house. When I ran to the back of the house, to a certain area back there suddenly the earth open up and a bouquet of pinkest roses just rose up and open to me. I witness to one side of these amazing flowers was a beige, embroiled, truly beautiful handkerchief. As so to the other side, something dark, not evil, but dark as in mysterious, when just as soon I was back on track running, stampeding with all others in this massive exodus.
The Human Herd
-I looked in a dream 08/12/2005 whereas I witness a massive evacuation herding American refugees by the hundreds of thousands along both sides of my home. Clearly I saw strangers, siblings and old acquaintances all being cattle along the back of my house which is in itself strange, as my back yard is well fenced in.
-The rights side of my house points east, the left side west, the fronts north, thus those being vacated by the thousands were migrating from all points of interest South. In the direction most specialist and non-specialist say Americans most urgent exodus will take, toward a clearly barricaded extreme south.
You ask what does it all mean? The end, the end of the world, or the free world as we’ve known it. The end not only because of abominable practices targeted by God’s wrath but because all earthly nations must decrease as the great day of Jesus Christ one thousand year reign hath come.
With Celebrities Pulling Up The Rear
-Seen to be in evacuations, especially an exodus followed by celebrity types all triggered by a plethora of natural disasters. Those performing themselves from mudslides, to massive animal stampedes, to earthquakes, Volcanoes, fire, snow and wind storms. An overabundance of turmoil on the map 10/12/2007
The Death Angel, A Sharp Syringe
-In this dream of 03/27/2009, I witness how myriads in the country were sitting anxiously in front of their TV sets awaiting and participating good to horrible news. I one imagined it was like a scene similar to the Cuban Missile crisis and the entire country, make that the world nervously anticipating a war between America and Russia. Although just as soon as the worse news broke -I saw readied, alert and now fleeing for their lives, for their children lives of stampeding Americans. I saw those slacking behind were come upon by a death angel in the land who laid them back to jammed a sharp, painful very large syringe into their chest, their hear. I saw how after this deadly execution how they end up as nothing but a brown paper Mache on the refrigerator, beware.
A Voice Declaring: Protect All Human Being At The Wailing Wall, a fall of peace and safety horribly, even continuously on the map my 20,277 prophecy link 01/08/2004…
(37). Behold therefore I will gather all thy lovers, with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and all them that thou hast loved, with all them which thou hast hated; I will even gather them roundabout against thee, and I will discover thy nakedness unto them, that they may see all thy nakedness. (38). And I will judge thee as women who break wedlock and shed blood are judged; and I will give thee blood in fury and jealousy. (39). And I will also give thee into their hand, and they shall throw down thine eminent place, and shall break down thy high places; they shall strip thee also of thy clothes, and shall take thy fair Jewels, and leave thee naked and bare. Ezekiel (God Is Strong, Willing).
Revelation Speaks:
-And He Saith Unto Me, seal not the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still, and he which is filthy that him be filthy still, and he that righteous let him be righteous still, and he that is holy, let him be holy still Rev. 22:11...The End
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Dallas Holm: Come On To Jesus
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
Sunday, July 25, 2010
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