A Voice Declaring: Synchronize (harmonize, coordinate) Judah, the nation of Israel, of Judaism, about bringing her into line prophetically on the map 02/16/2011
-Seen to Be seeing a hand writing the name Jeremiah and the numbers, the scripture, 37:8, the overall fall of early Judah, of Mystery Babylon, of mankind’s kingdoms on the map
The Man Of Sin
-Seen To Be Seeing In Large Print, the world SIN, as so the number 666, as just recently I saw a puzzle image of 666 as it felt as though it was being burrowed agonizingly into my skull 05/13/2010 (see man of sin II Thess. 2nd Chapter.)
-Seen to be seeing celebrating in our streets a mighty, marching cover or banner of red, our streets being made red all the more on the map 05/20/2010 (see second seal)
-Seen to be seeing a finger write the last letters of the name Michael, a hand writing AEL, of the name Michael (see God’s army, commander, the archangel Michael)
-Seen to be receiving a mark on my hand, getting marked on the hand, like the mark of the beast frightfully on the map 05/20/2010
-There's something about the most Special Couple of all (see Jesus and the Church bride) taking precedence over the residing presidential couple (the Obamas). About a vicious, deadly, even demonic manner of resistance 05/17/2010
-There's something about bomb threats, explosions and being taken captive, something about using a lengthy strand of hair to measure all the death, dying and gore 05/19/2010 (see Rev. 14:17-20, God's wrath, six feet, see unprecedented tribulation).
-There's something about a brand new Whitehouse, how glorious, magnificent unto a number measure measuring 15%, see fifteen percent of the world's population 05/19/2010
The Shepherd Song, the Communicator
A Writing In The Dark
Douglass Stuart, Ezekiel 05/21/2010
DSE. There’s a lot of bad news for Judah and the Judeans in the book of Ezekiel. God warns the exiles(today, the descendants of the Roman Empire, Apb), to whom Ezekiel has especially been appointed a prophet, to be sure they don’t misunderstand His causing Judah to suffer its extinction as an independent nation.
Apb. I’ve shared with you more than once although it was a while coming, I now understand why of the twenty-four elders John witness in heaven, upon my visitation there the prophet Ezekiel was the one appointed to me, to show unto me three doors in heaven. It would be because the Israel/Judah of Ezekiel’s day and the present day Israel/America are virtually identical, that once the prophet Ezekiel had come on the scene God’s pending judgment was set to the point it was too late for Israel/Judah the nation to repent.
DSE. It must not happen that they miss what’s going on foolishly hoping that the present hard times were temporary and that Judah’s fortunes would rise again soon. So through an allegory, (parable, story-telling), and a little bit of acting Ezekiel makes a deadly serious point. God will not be disobeyed forever.
Apb. This is to mean from the moment I saw in a vision in my grooming mirror over twenty years ago the throne of God with its back turn toward mankind. This was never about saving man, Jesus by his blood offering, alter had done this, he won the victory over sin’s condemnation. This was always about forewarning people, though two thousand years has passed since Christ’s cross the message is the same, always have been, always until Jesus return. Repent ye, for the kingdom of God is surely at hand.
DSE. Sin has it’s inevitable consequences, and God is determined to enforce his Covenant against those who sin against him. For Judah as a nation, it was too late to repent, only individuals could do that and even the righteous individuals were going to be swept up in the bad events that were coming. Their eternal life might be secure personally, but their lives on earth had no chance of being spared from the brutality of the Babylonian invasion.
Apb. The invasion I saw on American soil after an Arab attack was Asian, it was the year of our Lord 1998/99, I looked in dreams and visions upon my bed whereas I witness wars on American soil, an enemy of Arab descent. Then just a night later I saw additional wars on American soil whereas I saw a complete invasion by the Asian military, I told my coworker/Elder/Pastor how America would soon again be in wars. I saw this invasion additionally around the year 2006, again invasions on American soil and a detriment that will see her more than fall but like Ezekiel’s Judah, will all her societies be exterminated from the planet.
Apb. The disciples asked Jesus why he spoke in parables, not realizing did the prophets before him by the anointing of the Holy Spirit as well use parables and allegories to get the divine point across to a incomprehensible stubborn people. This is why the Rising Above ministry also use storytelling to describe in alternate fashion not only God’s plan and purpose for his people, but for His urgency to wrath. To finally and without mercy destroy the wicked unrepentant from the earth, for this cause and this cause alone does the heathen all the more rage and imagine mischief against God and his anointed, but to no prevail, greater is he that is in the anointed than he that is in the rebellious.
DSE. Likewise Christian cannot assume that the righteous are to be protected from general disaster. All in Christ Jesus are saved from the wrath to come. But by no means are all in Christ Jesus safe from the result of their wicked cultures. Warfare started by the wicked may kill many of the righteous. Disease started by perversion may spread to the innocent. Neglect of the poor hurts the righteous and the evil alike. The extermination of a nation for its sins may mean that the good minority has to die alone with the bad majority.
Apb. You may ask have I, this Apostle of Jesus Christ been forewarn to run, to get out, to escape, yes, yes I have in some ways quite phenomena. Although to persuade my spouse accordingly, not that he isn’t faithful, that he don’t believe God isn’t working through me. There’s this financial issue, the same one we’ve had all our Christian lifetime, it’s true we could move on out of this country by faith knowing the supreme heavenly host is all the more with us. Though you like me know that’s not an easy thing, easy is to die in Christ Jesus, even better to be raptured out by him. I pray constantly for good deaths concerning my loved ones, not at all the agonizing trials, disease, famine and death this invasion will bring.
Apb. God speaks clear when he warn the believers, those who’re to hear his voice, how they’re to again escape as he readies to judge this present-day system of whoredom and abominations throughout the earth. One Day like prophets gone before, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, I will like so many dreams and visions gone before, I will witness the complete destruction of this nation and the free world, even like I’ve forewarn for the last fifteen years, there will be an exodus. I know for a certainty, that whether I’m on the earth, or watching from a form of situation room in heaven. I tell you everything that they’ve forewarn of me, that I’m to warn you, how an end hath come upon the four corners of this nation, this free world, repent, these inconceivable trials, invasion, capture and exile will not return unto this Heavenly Father void.
DSE. We thus hope like Ezekiel did, not that everything go well in this life, but to do all thing faithfully so that we honor God in both bad times and good and recognize His sovereign right to punish groups, such as nations, in this world. Likewise, Ezekiel’s prophecy of God’s sword is filled with violent descriptions and solemn language so that by its bluntness it might shock his audience into paying attention to what their complacency had been causing them to avoid thinking about: the ravages of war were coming soon, and many people would lose their lives.
Apb Like most of you reading in the AOl believers boards for the last five years, you know I created a story like the one behind the 2009 2012 movie in the early nineties. Unknowingly in my work Preece Ebonee Be’le an African born male, how doing the graduating class of 2012 I brought an end not to the entire world of mankind, but mainly to America and the free world. This work, this masterpiece as most of you know was in no way based on the Mayan calendar of which I knew nothing about. No I destroyed America and the free world as they’d been showing me her complete destruction for many years. I pretended to build giant ships to travel on and through oceans so that the redeemed, and all other able refugees could be plucked up from various ports around this world to arrive into this proposed African safe haven.
Apb. Thus I created an Exodus out of America and the free-world and used the Grace of God, and the reality of global warming to make a New African continent called the African Juttah. All based upon God’s ancient prophecies and many years of visions, dreams and visitations to heaven, did this work virtually create itself. It was this stock raging made break from mankind reality to that of Supreme Gods that Hollywood in it’s time wouldn’t have given a second, nor tenth look until now. Although most of this work is fiction, how only recently did I realize Preece Ebonee literally disaster-prone graduating class was in 2012, regardless, so much of what I pretend here because it’s based on biblical and present day prophecies has come to pass.
Apb. Even that the world beyond the African Juttah would end completely in 2016, this is why I called it, the African Juttah 2016, this was over a decade before the intrepid dream 15.10 years placed the end of mankind’s kingdoms at 2016. Thus this Apostle say, if you can, get out, Judah in Ezekiel day was invaded like at present in a 9th year, we’re nine years into the Intrepid calendar, a 10th day and a 10th month, this is all suppose to end, even the anti-Christ reign, on a tenth month. This invasion of Judah took like a year and a half, of the 15.10 years if we give seven years to the free world, and seven years to the antichrist, the New World order, that’s a year and ten months unaccounted for and why we have a December date set for this year, beware.
Prophecy Links
A Voice Declaring: “In thirty nine and a half weeks, you’ll be dead, a strange form, even a deadly time table again on the map 03/07/2010 A Voice Declaring: December 18th, there’s something about the date, December 18th miraculously on the calendar, the map 03/07/2010 (see the space between March 7th and December 18th
A Voice Declaring: “Tell us, when shall these things be?” Another form of inquiring of specific time, even biblical time tables on the map 03/10/2010
A Declaration To Run
A Voice Declaring: “Get Beyond the Pension, (temporal, even catastrophic lives, lands and churches), get to the hills!” 09/04/2002
-My spouse, even portions of my family could verify how I’ve never felt comfortable in any place, if I stayed in one area for two years or more this would be unusual. It’s as though I’m always cautious of some unknown except by the warning of the Holy Spirit danger. I asked the Holy Spirit, this Holy of all Lords whether or not I’m, we’re to run, to get out when he reminded me of how often they’ve told me to do just that.
-To get out, to escape by some of most astonishing displays of evacuations and Exodus, how I, the Rising Above Ministry (RAM) isn’t to be alone but many celebrities will follow. I’ve moved out of state twice, once in the eighties, before I was saved, it was a few days before, and around the same time Mount St Helen erupted. We remember volcanic ash being everywhere and on everything; our destination was Long Beach California. I can clearly tell you that just as soon as we arrived there I was ready to come home, made a big deal of it and did return home two or three months later.
A Voice Declaring: They’re dying because of the holocaust 6/09/2002
-The second time was recently as 2007, I’d been saved some twenty years and knew without a doubt the nation America we lived in was nothing short of a ticking time bomb of astronomical forms of natural, cosmic and military disasters pending. That one day soon she would suffer insurmountable forms of invasions and death, I’d wanted to go, to leave, to get out for years, now the opportunity presented itself. Now you would have to remember I’ve always had this uncanny attachment to home, when I prepared to move only ten miles away to be closer to my church, I cried.
-Although now my spouse and I were moving to Albequerbe New Mexico, he was going for a job opportunity and I, I was going because it would bring me closer to the Mexican Border. Ideally the very place long before the movie Day After Tomorrow, it’s the territory I believed many American would escape to, that in 2003 by a post entitled ‘A Wise One’ I prophesied how great natural disasters would cause an exodus out of America, possibly along the Mexican border.
A Voice Declaring: “God said He’s (The Anti-Christ) going To Kill Millions” 12/25/2004
-This didn’t work either, remember before we went to New Mexico was after the Holy Spirit in this extensive dream broke both my back and my neck turning me instead into the direction of the extreme southeast. I testify of this in the recent post, ‘Knowing, the things which shall be,’ http://thethingsherefater.blogspot.com/2010/05/knowing-which-shall-be.html It was a little while after we return the Holy Spirits reminded me Mexico, nor Canada would be a safe haven, but to escape America all together. So he was coming home because he changed his mind about the Job position and I.
-Though I didn’t want to return home, I convinced myself I was coming home for my grandchildren, how I had to get them to safety, get us all to safety. Though now we’re buying a house, thanks to the Obama administration our first ever, we prayed for this, we asked with all our heart that it be this divine proof especially to our children and here we are.
A Voice Declaring: “I will kill everything boldly and necessarily,” 03/27/2004
A Voice Declaring: “I Will Lay It All To Waste,” 04/13/08
-I mean don’t get this wrong, we know all things here are temporary, how if we’re to place any manner of faith or trust in either we’re being gravely deceived. My spouse know I just want to go, pack us up, them up, all my loved ones and get out, that’s get as far southeast as possible, although I pray, we just don’t have the funds, and there’s hardly a way I’m going to persuade the Hubby how we’re to do this. Justly how we’re to simply walk, leave, get us out, all by faith. Just as I heard the announcement by Europe, how they’re to spend some nine hundred billion dollars rescuing one of it own (Greece.
-I tell you I told my husband in the work Preece Ebonee Bele, this is the amount of money I pretended in the early nineties. Did aI as well pretend a lump sum of this staggering amount was given into the FTC Fund to modernize and build the African Juttah. How no expense was to be spared as they prepared this modern day safe haven, one they would soon learn wouldn’t be simply for the anointed. Although had special places like New Madagascar been prepared for all those who couldn’t or wouldn’t enter into the African Juttah, those yet refusing to believe, or repent.
Prophecy Links
-Seen to be seeing fire from prison like a sword target President Bush, a faming sword of war continuously on the map 05/03/2003
-Seen To Be Seeing Written Upon The Back Window of an automobile in large, bold and orange print the Word Escape, a continuous forewarning to escape, to get out on the map 04/09/2005
DSE. Such a picture of brutal slaughter represents the reality that Ezekiel’s contemporaries must learn to accept as the fate of their country and their fellow citizens. Their own exile several years before in 598 B.C. (see Israeli/America military conflicts past and future, apb), See wars on American Soil Arab/Asian enemy (1998/1999, apb). Had been accomplished after a relatively bloodless siege of Jerusalem and quick surrender of the young king now in exile., (see Sept. 11th attack, War In Iraq, Apb.
What was ahead for those who yet remained in Judah and Jerusalem was to be far worse, (the Sept. 11th attacks, the war in Iraq was nothing compared to what’s coming, (apb). Yet the truth was painful, and the people tendency to reject it required Ezekiel (apostle Pat, The RAM) again and again to come back to them with various kinds of reminders that God’s covenant (God’s wrath, apb) guaranteed destruction for His nation if they did not keep his law (his by Christ’s cross form of righteousness Apb).
Prophecy Links
-Seen to be seeing a large container fall on Saddam, seen to be hearing a voice declaring: Hussein has fallen and will not recover 03/17/2003
-Seen to be seeing readied, alert and now fleeing for their lives, for their children lives stampeding people on the map. Seen to be seeing those left behind getting a sharp, painful very large syringe to the chest, the heart, ending up nothing but a brown paper Mache on the refrigerator, beware 03/27/2009
-In conclusion during the biblical days whenever God’s judgment was set against a nation how soon and graphic this execution would be was all according to the type of rulers in charge. This is where, even why the prophet Isaiah made the alarming for many men statement; how when the righteous rule the people rejoice but when the wicked reign the people mourn. There was under George W. Bush in essence eight years of mourning, not only for America but for the entire joined at the dollar sign, their seditious heart world.
-This is what I meant when I prophesied before the last election finalized, again I explained how if God’s wrath was imminent then there would be a Mccain/Palin ticket as He wouldn’t be able to constrain His wrath against their blatant rebellion no longer, I can yet hear president Bush, his party of Republicans crying aloud, sparing not, “I Will Not Relent!” (see repent).
-Did I as well describe if America was to be given a little more space unto repentance, in other words if the timetable regarding her complete demise wasn’t as yet complete. How if this was so, then there would be an Obama/Biden ticket as they cared more about people than money and fame. You’re all to remember this is the same ministry that forewarn how although Bush and Cheney had seemingly got the best of Saddam Hussein.
-Cleverly this seeming victory was all a façade as a Hussein would one day father this nation, Barack Hussien Obama. Now to be completely honest with you, I didn’t get no specific dream or vision telling me this, nor did I know anything about Barack Obama before his campaign, no with all that’s Holy Spirit and soul within me I simply knew this would happen as a New Order was upon America and the world over. “Hussein has fallen and will not recover,” was the voice I heard in a dream whereas I witness a huge warehouse container fall on Saddam Hussein.
-Months later I would witness a military general announce how they’d captive Saddam, that he was hiding in a bunker, a hole along the Tigris River. It was the same area great prophets like Daniel had seen some of the most astonishing end-time developments, including the rise of the antichrist from these identical biblical areas. This fall wasn’t only of Saddam, but of Hussein which is to mean it had a double meaning. It meant the president of Iraq Saddam Hussein yes but it would also one day represent the President of the United of the States, Barack Hussein.
-This analogy like the Jeremiah 37:8 vision, it meant Saddam’s destruction but it as well meant doom for his sinful as himself executioners. In other words, just as God would used America to destroy Saddam’s Iraq, he would use men of the middle east, of the old Assyrian, Grecian and Roman Empire to destroy not only America but at the antichrist’s bidding the entire free, supposedly civilized world. Truly and consistently this is the end (December 18th 2010),that has come upon America, upon the nations of men and unless they repent, they will like great nations risen and fallen before perish from all existence.
-In my make believe work, my parables from God, I use or only make reference to two dates, the years the characters of the first book, Beast of Beauty get married and give birth around 1995, 1996, as so in the second book, Preece Ebonee Be’le I make reference to or call what has surprisingly become this new world order ‘The African Juttah 2016. In 1992 I choose the year 2016 as the end of all biblical prophecy, including the rise and elimination of the antichrist, astonishingly this particular year (2016) will fulfill the Intrepid Dream timetable of 2001. This is why only recently as I calculated sixteen years from the year 1995, 1996, did I get the year 2011 and 2012, whereas I realized something most astonishing. Amazingly not only were the descendants of the characters of the first book (Preece Ebonee Be’le) the graduating class of 2012. Although as I’m to bring an end to America and the free world only months later, and with so much of what I’ve pretended here coming true.
-Seemingly I was forced to realize I’d twenty years prior through a play on sentiment, faithful and charitable imagination and divine biblical prophecy, past and present. Concurrently I’d as well predicted an end of the commonwealth, of the free-world around the exact time Barack Hussein Obama presidential term would end, 2012, but it’s all pretend, right? When I went into this work I loved God’s people, I knew and understood some things, especially that the mass majority of God’s people were being gravely deceived by the very system they trusted all things of value to.
-This reality remind me of Jesus Christ crying aloud, “lay not up or yourselves treasures upon the earth,” where moth and rust can corrupt, where thieves can break through and steal. If only we’d heard this Holy Lord, if only we’d believed and received him when he cried all that’d gone before us were thieves and robbers. Henceforth my attempt through the Beast of Beauty work was to give God’s people whom I loved a better revelation knowledge of these Holy Lords, I love you guys, and I hope to meet you all there.
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
WARNING: It is a violation of true righteousness to use these moments, their explicit illustrations in a manner inconsistent with sacred godliness undefiled toward both God and man...See, Matt 22:36-40, Ephs 5:21-33, Ephs. 4:21-32.
Prophecy Links
-There's something about the archangel Michael, the commander of God’s Army mightily on the map 02/16/2010.
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Bob Carlisle, In The Sky
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
Monday, February 21, 2011
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