You Just entered the African Juttah 2020
By: Patricia A. Bradford, Apostle
Wr. 1992-1996
The Exodus
THE UNENDING LOVE ANTEDOTE ... And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: The African Juttah 2012
“This is London Peterson reporting and what you are seeing is the enormous blaze behind a massive, massive explosion here at Rinnah temple were hundreds of students from various high schools have been left so unprepared as well many are believed dead.“ “I'm even more horrified to report things just as horrendous is happening to various other Nupital Temples,” as one checking her list was she moments earlier too overwhelmed emotionally to make this report. "At this location south, we have the Temple Rinnah, The Temple of Syracuse on the north, the Temple of Onam on the east and the Melech Temple on the west all suffering identical attacks.“
Temple Worship
-As I was reading in my pretend work, Beast Of Beauty, wr. 1992-1996, so much of what has come to pass, I was thinking on these temples. They are nuptial temples, they were build and extracted all around the nation for the express purpose of the youngest espousal teens. Their prom night of promise, used that is for all the young graduating teens fiancée and financier both off to a night of exciting assurety and matrimonial bliss, only not this night.
-This night instead a group of homegrown terrorist, T-KAMB has set bombs for killing throughout each of these twelve temples and hundreds even thousands of young and glad with intentions to wed, and spend their lives accordingly are dead or dying. In all comparison I was again reading over this, the suspiciousness of these temples, and how they at present remind me of the Islamic temples being debated across the land, this Sharia law. Just as soon I contemplated the end-time Millennial temple, the one prophesied by the prophet Ezekiel beginning in the 40th chapter of the book bearing his name.
-Those of you who read behind me particularly the decade last know my interest in this particular prophet above them all. How it was only eighteen years ago on a visitation to heaven this prophet in particular was chosen to show and open to me three doors into what the Apostle Paul described as the paradise of God. You see what had been shown to the prophets of old, to various of the Apostles of Jesus Christ and had for thousands of years been sealed. As so Jesus Christ crying aloud about the time of New Jerusalem’s coming, how not even the angel of heaven, or himself knew.
-That these things had again been sealed, now sixty plus years beyond this blessed Christ’s ascension it would, all of it be revealed. This is what Jesus mean when he described to the Apostle John the beloved, how the time was at hand, that which Daniel was to seal, John the revelator by Jesus’ grace would reveal. Jesus wasn’t talking about the fulfillment was at hand, but the time of reveal, of revelation, truly when you try and make what Jesus said then. As this was before his crucifixion and resurrection valid today, how he was unknowing. It would stand to reason you’re saying some two thousand years plus has passed the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ and he’s yet oblivious of God’s coming Kingdom.
-Apparently, the book of revelation is proof not only does this blessed Christ know, but it is given to those chosen as such to as well know and reveal that they know. At any rate being reminded of how I drafted these temples in my make believe work, they all having what would be described today as Muslim names, titles or identities, I went to investigate of Ezekiel’s prophecies and what many describe as the millennial temple. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to get into studying this part of this prophet’s book but to no prevail.
-Although now, my eldest son at my request purchasing for me, for my December last birthday the Jimmy Swaggart Expositor’s Bible and seeing I’d not as yet put it to practice or use. Of course I thought this would be a good time, so I ran up stairs, I grab the bible, it’s big, it’s heavy, it smell so new. I cuddled into a nice place on the bed, I open this special bible to Ezekiel the 40th chapter and began reading. This part of the scripture is here titled chapter 40, 574 BC, Ezekiel’s Vision of the temple, (The Millennial Sanctuary). ‘In the five and twentieth year of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth day of the month, in the fourteenth year after that the city was smitten, in the selfsame day, the hand of the Lord was upon me, and brought me thither.
-(JSM Expositor write, (“In the five and twentieth year of our captivity,” concerns itself with the first invasion of Jerusalem by Babylon, which occurred in 605 BC. During the invasion, the city was partly destroyed and many of the people were carried away captive. The city was further desolated in 597 BC. and finally burn and desolated in 586 BC. JSM… Of course I paused as I was striken with an awareness, a revelation knowledge none before, this 25th year, this year of 586 all bore striking remembrance to things I’d both see, heard and realized at God’s reign perseverance indeed an end for the kingdom’s of men hath come.
Come And Follow Me
-It was just last month or so the spouse and I went to visit the exact place I was, where I was standing when I saw the Christ Lord in the heavens. When he reached out his arms to me, commissioning me three equal times to come, it being the Spring of 1986. This spring at present, this one making itself the most deadly has made it exactly twenty-five years. Thus imagine my shock when I read this commentary, the year of 586, how Jerusalem demise had been some twenty-five years of Ezekiel’s prophecy.
-I know what you’re asking for an end vastly and fasten upon us what could this all mean and why?” You see, not only is this spring this twenty-fifth year of anniversary but according to Dr Camping, Camping Caravan predicting the end by this may 21st. I’m to learn how it is this spring, this 25th anniversary marks the 7000th year anniversary of Noah’s flood, all coincidental right? Actually too coincidental not to be divine intervention, hence I kept looking at this date, for the prophet Ezekiel it was 586, for me it was 1986. The Christ Lord would eventually show him the Millennial temple, sanctuary when seven years later this identical prophet would open and reveal to this apostle three very specific doors in God’s temple.
-Although I didn’t know it or realize it then, what I was seeing that spring of 1986 was a demonstration of the first resurrection of saints, unto the fulfillment of the church age. Evenly this was those who would soon occupy the very Millennial sanctuary given as a revelation to the prophet Ezekiel some two thousand five hundred years prior. Just as I asked, that you asked, what did all of this mean, could this be why the heaven found it good reason to again appoint an Apostle of Jesus Christ into the affairs of men? No one could accept my testimony, no one could or would believe my report, the Apostles of Jesus Christ, this very foundation of Christ’s church, rocks of ages, had all come and ascended on high, honestly who is Apostle Patricia Bradford, who would believe her report?
Destroy This Temple
-Plainly here I was, and there Jesus was as plain as the sky above and the glowing sun therein was he choosing me and thus commissioning me to come, as in follow him. There was nothing new to tell me, there was nothing new to show me, there wasn’t a new revelation, or prophecy, truly what could I add or offer if there is indeed as King Solomon hath declared, there’s nothing new under the sun? A great message came from seeing the Lord Father with his back to his people that day, abruptly the Holy Spirits would give me a message from the then famed scripture II Chronicle 7:14, 15, crying aloud, sparing not, “IF MY PEOPLE!”
-Imagine that all things which had gone before Christ’s cross, and all that’d gone after his cross, and that existing now because of his cross was all with purpose that the Supreme father is to get one message across to the first Adam’s lineage, citing continuously “If My People. I’m only remembering it right now, and possibly this is why the Holy Spirit is to bring this particular event to my memory but if I’m not mistaking. Remarkably this response from God through King Solomon as recorded here in this very scripture is also regarding a temple, a temple that had taken seven years to build and was now being dedicated to the Supreme Father, as the glory of the Lord would fill this place.
-This was at one time King Zerubbabel’s temple, replacing Solomon Temple which was destroyed in 586 BC when the Jewish nation was exiled to Babylon. It is that which would in Jesus’ day be Herods’ temple, (“destroy this temple and in three days it shall be rebuild”). This so desolate place now entombs a temple of two warring parties, of conflict and mourning, Islam’s Dome of the rock unto Jerusalem wailing wall. Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ entering into the Holy of Holies and offering as a fulfillment of Solomon’s grand presentation, not the blood of goats, or rams, or lambs but by his own blood, this lamb of God unto mankind would gain reconciliation unto us all. Of course now each individual person that is to realize and call on Jesus blood as Lord is to themselves. Their bodies, mind and heart is to all be transformed into a temple of God.
-Miraculously into a tabernacle of dwelling of God’s Holy Spirit, making them as well holy and acceptable unto the Lord Father for all time to come, truly without controversy God changes not. Herein I wouldn’t be forthcoming if I attest to the fact I’ve spent a lot of time trying to prove to people the authenticity of this claim as I am chosen of Christ himself, an Apostle unto the fulfillment of end time prophecy. I’ve spent no tell at all trying to prove something only Holy Lords themselves can and have for the last twenty-five years done, how they’re to set up the members of Christ’s Body, the church, as it hath pleased them. No, I’ve instead spend this time given me to remind you the kingdoms of men have as always intended become the Kingdom’s of God, and his Christ and they and not the wealth of the wicked of this world shall reign forever.
And A Clock Ticked Under Him
-Now as though everything from that moment of seeing this Christ Lord in the heavens, or having this prophet some seven years later reveal to me what I saw that day. Seemingly Jesus three times commissioning me to come, the prophet Ezekiel seven years later, 1993, opening three doors in heaven to me. Evidently a look unto the preparation of the end time harvest and it’s Holy Lord crying aloud, sparing not to the masses coming before this glorious throne, “be ye washed, be ye cleansed. Just as so the winepress, wrath of God as well crying, truly Christ Lord thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the time hath come for you to reap, for the harvest is ripe. Faithfully, because of the fullness of time concerning these valued revelation hath come and who beside’s the redeemed shall be able to stand?
-The year 586 BC would mark the end for Ezekiel’s Jerusalem, and here Holy Spirits were showing me how the year 1986 AD, would mark not only the end of the church age unto the tribulation saints, but nation building. This remind me while sitting out doors a couple of weeks ago, the ministries of the gospel came up me and without hesitation I explained to my husband. The conversation was about outreach when I declared how the ministering of gospel (the testimonials of Jesus Christ) would now turn from being the responsibility of the church bride to being the responsibility of the tribulation saints. I want you to pause for a moment and reflect on what was said, why it was said, and with a timing, a precision so divine. Unavoidably never before has the first resurrection of saints been so apprehensive with complete fulfillment after its human heir so beloved.
-Now as I suspect all the more this astonishing day it was as though all things, all biblical dispensations that had gone before June 1986 was now climaxing into the most unthinkable event that’s to happen since Moses and the crossing of the red sea. Respectfully it wasn’t this extraordinary fulfillment but becoming a testament and hence blessed hope to millions, this unthinkable demonstration of God’s grace wholeheartedly extended. Was it as so all rewinding itself back not only to Ezekiel’s revelations concerning this Millennial temple, though to the prophet Daniel’s prophecies concerning the 70th week of years, seven years.
-Sixty-nine of which had been fulfillment pausing this amazing grace and divine time table at Jesus Crucifixion of which this apostle believe as of this year of 2011 we’ve now entered into, yes, we, the church bride has momentarily entered into the last seven years of the church and mankind’ s age. This truth is again demonstrated and displayed under the death rider, a clock of years ticking not forward but backward. One seeming to both begin and end with a sixtieth year, the 69th year of Daniel’s 70 weeks of years, no doubt. It is here as I’ve said just recently the heavenly throne of God is severely pregnant and unto much labor regarding this final week of years.
-Continually with time winning back to not only the final fall of Israel, of Jerusalem, but of world nations, as the kingdom of men is to become the kingdoms of God proposed for many millennial. It’s as though, and I hope you get this most of all, it’s as though the last twenty-five years has existed only to be a final witness of Christ’s cross of redemption unto synchronizing all nations that’s to be in line for the fulfillment of end-time prophecy as it’s great day of fulfillment is come. Now enters the archangel Gabriel 2004, one citing to this apostle how the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, as so something about she’s going or coming with the seventh angel.
If my people (for God So Loved The World), which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek thy face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their lands, (Christ Millennial reign).
Only then will my eyes be open, only then will my ears attend to the prayer made in this place…God II Chronicles 7:14, 15
The Rider
-I’m trying to make this post as short as possible, and as of 04/29/2011 this is an insert, I have to say something about all the death an outbreak of tornadoes has caused especially to the southern part of the country, over 300 people, a literal one day death toll with Hundreds still missing. I know this ministry only days prior from a repost entitled Prediction, predicted these manners of disasters would continue and the only good that could come from it would be repentance and reconciliation unto and by Christ Jesus Cross.
-This insurmountable lost of life, put this Apostle in memory of the first ever vision I had, probably around the year 1986, 87. The church I was attending was going through, well by the world’s standard it was suffering mightily. So much so the pastor called on a time of fasting and prayer meeting that we were to seek God’s will for his people and for this assembly. Truly people this is why the alter by Christ’s blood, thus the one of salvation, of repentance and reconciliation exist, that we’re to humbly get ourselves back to our first love, even creation, the Supreme God of us all.
-Of course the mounting trials and tribulations that was happening to the church was to bring them, us to restoration, not desecration, these trials again were a time of reflection. That we’re to stand still and hear the Lord father and his perfect plan, his perfect will for not only this life so temporal, but for the eternal throne of God to come. This single Lord of lords whose foundation and root, even it’s enduring anchor is the blood of the Lamb of God Jesus Christ. Let me say it this way, if Satan is the prince of this world, and all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life, which isn’t of God but of the world.
-Howbeit that any friend of the world is an enemy of God, how to avoid becoming a victim of this dainty treasure, these damning elements Jesus admonish us how we’re to instead set up our treasures in heaven, for where a man treasures are, there is also his heart. Thus when the temporal by these perpetual disasters, after disaster fail us, our heart’s desire won’t as well fail us. One as usual cursing the world’s worshippers to a barrage of stress and pain, though are we instead reminded how this world isn’t at all our home but a clever delusions even doctrine of Satanic and demonic intention that we, mankind is continually a fall whose reward is eternal damnation.
-By Christ bloody cross, if the dead who die in this astonishing Lord is all the more blessed, what about the dead who die refusing this Lord Christ unto the salvation of the souls of men? A time of reflection mean you’re to finally see, to comprehend you by your immortal soul, by placing it in insurmountable danger and detriment forfeit the eternal by worshipping the temporal. This is what the burning church of the early eighties was about, everything man was to construct and by disasters reconstruct was fit for nothing but to be burn. This is what God was forewarning Jerusalem of by the prophet Ezekiel, describing to them how they, Jerusalem like the pine tree, the limbs weren’t even fit for firewood.
-Though they by their disobedience had incurred God’s judgment had they become too worthless and too unworthy to burn in the fires of God’s wrath. Just imagined this if you will, judgment by fire is the greatest of Judgment ever, it’s the main manner of judgment that will bring Mystery Babylon to her end. Even if the majority of Jerusalem had burn and under Ezekiel’s day would again burn God found them completely unworthy and undeserving of even this greatest judgment of all. For gold to be purged by fire is heartening but is it as well meet with restoration, with purity and brilliance, by these massing, firing stoves it is simply made flawless. Clearly Jerusalem wasn’t compared to gold needing the refiner’s fire, to be purged in all likeness but pine leaves of no value whatsoever, even to burn them is of no value atoll.
-The mass majority of this world since the first prophet have been reminded of God’s mercy, little are they by the assembly of the religious order reminded of God’s wrath. This is most of all sad and very dangerous, especially in these end-time, because not only are we speaking of Satan’s final attempt to destroy the holy people. The testimony of Jesus Christ from the earth, but God by a wrath literally indescribable will target the wicked (unbelievers, unrepentant, and apostate), whereas millions will perish, most for all eternity, opening up their eyes in hell. This is the forewarning by God’s throne that goes on relentlessly across this entire earth, a reminder of why such great sacrifices of flesh and blood has been endured, truly that non perish, but all come to the saving grace of Christ’s cross.
-Just as so what just happen to Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia only naming a few is nothing in comparison to what’s coming. I’ve been telling and thus forewarning for twenty five years now to the people in this board how there is a triple threat set especially against America’s soil, Damater (mother earth, natural disasters), NEO’s (The Father, the wine press, wrath of God), and the man of prediction (wars on America’s soil). This judgment of the four sores, is so set into play all you can possibly hear now is a strong voice. One as of the book of revelation crying aloud, sparing not, “come out of her my people, (repentance unto salvation) that you be not partakers of her sins, that you receive not of her plagues, he that hath an ear let him her, what the spirit saith unto the churches.
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Prophecy Link
A Voice Declaring: Babylon Is Falling, the fall of Mystery Babylon, of the entire present age of mankind on the map 03/27/2011 (see Revelation 17, 18th chapters
There’s something about turbulent or tornadic manners of travel both on land and on sea, of being separate of or lost of loved ones, turbulent manners of disasters continuously on the map 03/27/2011
There's something about an invasion, one on American soil, about all preparing for war, for battle, a dangerous fall of peace and safety continuously on the map 06/20/2005, 07/12/2006, 08/15/2007, 10/03/2008, 10/12/2008, 01/09/2010
For Salvation Pray:
I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening to: John Starnes, Forever The Son Is Gonna Reign
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
Monday, May 9, 2011
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