Monday, May 17, 2010

Knowing, The Things Which Shall Be

A Voice Declaring: "Two weeks and seven years," a divine countdown, unto the fulfillment of all things biblical and prophetic again on the map 07/29/2008 (see Russia and Georgia, a prelude to end time world wars)
A Voice Declaring: “In thirty nine and a half weeks, you’ll be dead, a strange form, even a deadly time table again on the map 03/07/2010 A Voice Declaring: December 18th, there’s something about the date, December 18th miraculously on the calendar, the map 03/07/2010 (see the space between March 7th and December 18th
A Voice Declaring: “Tell us, when shall these things be?” Another form of inquiring of specific time, even biblical time tables on the map 03/08/2010

The Shepherd Song, the Communicator

A Writing In The Dark

Knowing, The Things Which Shall Be 05/07/2010

-So knowing what I know; how do you tell the earth of man their world as they’ve known it, as of December 18th 2010 will come to an end. It’s true the Heavenly Host has been telling us this world would end since the first Adam, that our time here, our lives, lands and churches are all borrowed from the loan of God’s given grace. Truly if you’ve up to this very hour failed to believe then I contend that is between you and your God, your father which is Satan, the instrument of lies and deception. Hence if this December date is factual, and I’m most assured it is, then mankind continuation here will only get worse. Trials and tribulations like I said before in the late eighties and nineties will become more and more prevalent until living here is unbearably taxing and deadly.
-Those setting and breaking reports in ways unrealizable for now, it’s all purpose that you believe His prophet yes, but you’re to believe His word, and Christ Lord Jesus first. Like I wrote in a letter to President Bush in 2003, I told him how astronomical forms of trials and tribulations were coming, that if you’re a hundred or more years old, you would’ve seen nothing like it. Simply know for a certainty and for always until Jesus Christ ascend from heaven with the redeemed saints at His side, and the Armies of Heaven in His marshal, nothing on this earth. Well to be completely honest, everything isn’t going to be alright, America and all other nations of the free world faith is and has been for two thousand years described in Revelations 17, 18 chapter.
-The world wide destruction of commerce, of Religion, of inconceivable manners of whoredom and literally indescribable abominations. Of manslaughter and massacred of human life, and oh how they’ve persecuted and executed in ways most horrid the testaments and testimonials of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is where the Living Word of God exclaims how every knee shall bow, how every mouth shall confess, I can’t help but think of the Ten Commandments the movie, when Pharaoh told his wife, Moses God is God. This is what all saints of every nation; kingdom, tribe and tribulation have on their side, an Almighty God, the armies of heaven fighting on and for their divine cause, O Happy Day, O Happy Deity.

The Lord is a man of war, the Lord is his name…Exodus 15
Then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle Zech. 14
Whom the Lord shall consume with the sword of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming II Thess. 2

Don’t You Be No Fool!

-It’s been a while since I’ve seen him, but while I was growing up I had this cousin we called, Litty, Bitty, his name was Herbert Hoover Jr. In that time he was considered to be severely retarded. Litty, Bitty would have seizures that didn’t make him collapse onto the ground into massive forms of spasms or convulsions, but he would suddenly take out in a violent sprint, and someone would have to run and catch him before he would get into traffic and meet with a tragic end. Litty bitty wasn’t that nice to me and my siblings, if he caught us out alone, or just the two of us, he would fight us and take our candy and such. Because of his mental retardation he only had two or more phrases he would suddenly burst out and say, one of those phrases was “DON”T YOU BE NO FOOL.” He would poke you in the shoulder with his shoulder, along a weird laugh and just break out and say, ‘hey, Don’ You be no fool.” Jesus Christ said something similar after the disciples asked him, to tell them, when would the end time be, what would be the sign of his coming, and of the end of the world? Then Jesus responded, take heed let no man deceived you.” (Don’t You Be No Fool.)

-Seen to be seeing Satanic and Demonic forms of destroying crystal skies, an astronomical fall of crystal skies remarkably, and frightfully on the map 03/18/2010

-Truly it’s a hard thing trying to tell people so engrossed, so entirely cemented in worldly lives, religion, politics, and educational and financial endeavors that an end. As so how a divine culmination has come upon the very four corners of every bit of everything they trust, honor and obey as life, achievement, rest and longevity. Approaching with an all out purpose that God’s Kingdom, as so those heir accordingly by Jesus Christ cross, will reign on this planet and earth. It’s heavens all made new by a performance of God the Apostle Peter describes as the present earth, heaven and the elements thereof, therein all passing away with a great noise.
-How the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless, this great Apostle continues, we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. How despite mankind’s all out plan for this world, even this planet, God the Creator/Father/Savior has a plan all His own and it shall all begin with the destruction of the wealth of the wicked, (those unrepentant). See Psalm 37

A Voice Declaring: “I will bring it all to waste, bringing an end to mankind’s kingdoms mightily on the map 03/02/2009

Do You Believe In God?

-An AOL poster asked just recently whether or not the people in the AOL Believer’s board believed in God? One of the posters responded by saying, “there’s just no way to prove there’s a god.” I beggar to differ, you see though God forewarn this would happen whenever mankind is to change the truth of God (Christ’s Gospel), into a lie, worshipping the creature more than the Creator. Truly out of all the things of God mankind of every nation, kingdom, tongue and people have abandon unto absolutely heinous forms of religion, even monstrous principalities. There’s this one truth of God from the first Adam unto present-day second Adam and redeemer they’ve stayed completely faithful to. This one absolute proof that God is God and there’s none above Him, make a joyful noise unto Him accordingly, and that’s biblical prophecy fulfilling.
-They cannot, none of them ever or ever to come can go out of the boundaries of God’s prophecies, the anti-Christ, despite how he’s the greatest evil of mankind ever, he has 42 months, that’s three and one half years to rule, no more, no less. Regardless of what the seer see and report back, apostles, prophets, evangelists, menservants, handmaidens, children and grandchildren, the Supreme God is the only. He’s the single mediator who from the dispensation of innocence to the winding down of the dispensation of grace at present, He plainly get exactly what He want. Justly he’s the single most authority with wherewithal power to bring all things to pass, from the fall of Ancient Egypt, to the decimation of the Roman Empire. As so to the unremitting collapse of this inconceivable, quite phenomena technical age, the Supreme Father alone is this solitary commander and chief who is, was and is to come for all eternity.
-I again contend His being God, there being a God, one so longsuffering toward us He has allowed the deadliest, most monstrous, most evil formation of mankind ever, Mystery Babylon, (worldwide Religion, Commerce and Politics). This great whore and abominations of the earth to torture, mutilate, and slaughter billions, all that one day a believing class of the lineage of Adam (man) would reign with Him forever. It is because He is God, that there is as God, that mankind down through the ages to December 18th 2010 at present. Have they cleaved so completely adamant to what the arch-angel Gabriel in 2004 declared as the fulfillment of all things earth, mankind and biblical prophecy. Nothing of His promises and prophecies ever returning unto Him void, as He alone is God, Jesus Christ would then say, remember, return, and repent or like millions gone before, perish.

And I Gave Some Apostles, Prophets

-A Voice Declaring: "We Will Build An Ark," there's something about America, about mankind being brought to the brink of extinction where millions will perish on the map 10/15/2008 (see Revelation, Armageddon).

-Since the early eighties where in a1 vision I witness the smoke of America burning, as so a manner of nationwide destruction. Harrowing events that can only be described as something right out of Prophet Jeremiah’s book of lamentation, I knew America would by her enemies be destroyed mostly by fire. Doing the Bush administration I looked into a dream whereas I saw a flame from prison walls like a sword target this President, or plainly this nation of America. This is what Jeremiah 37:8 is about, I was captured into a dreamscape 1998/99, neither conscious nor unconscious when I saw passing before my eyes the name Jeremiah and the scripture 37:8. I didn’t know it then, truly wondered what this had to do with anything, but later I would learn like they’d done to King Zedekiah of Jeremiah’s day. Evenly to Saddam, at present day, this forewarning was about how America and her allies would be overtaken by the very enemy mostly and assuredly wounded by them, both an Arab/Asian invasion.

And The Chaldeans (opposers) shall come again, and fight against this city, and take it and burn it with fire Jer. 37:8 (see Sept 11th attacks, terrorist relentless attempts)

-What better way to destroy what God defines as the greatest abomination of mankind’s kingdoms since Noah’s earth and Sodom and Gomorrah combine, simply because they’ve forsaken God. It’s true I believe what the Apostle Peter is describing here, and what is being described to the Apostle John, the destruction of Mystery Babylon, modern day Nations of men is two completely separate events. John is being shown the destruction of Mystery Babylon, Mystery Babylon is what the Roman Empire down through the millennium has metamorphosed into, and why America or other free world nations with greatly known names were never mention in biblical prophecy. Though this is the complete annihilation of the free world, it’s the beginning of the ten heads of Islam, and a final new world order upon which three and a half years therein, the great man of sin, of anti-god and anti-Christ ever will emerge.
-Peters prediction is the burnings up of present day formations as this burning will make them all anew, purge them of all unworthiness, all filthiness and impurities. This will include the earth at present, the first heaven, even parts of the universe, this mean the world to come, even the man redeemed by the blood of the God’s Lamb. How it will all far surpass in words and descriptions anything past or at present as there can never again be any disintegration. Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart believe this will happen only as all people are taken from the earth, clearly the only time all human life will be taken from the earth will be doing the great white throne judgment. All the dead will be called forth unto this judgment seat, and the entire Heavenly Host, including the now redeemed Church Bride will all be in attendance. This time, with the exception of the first Adam’s fall, this very hour unlike any ever before, will be the saddest of Heaven, Earth and Mankind.

A Pale, Infested With Fleas HorseA Voice Declaring: “We’re In a Death Wednesday, “(see Catch 22), the phrase, the forewarning, the especially comment of pending harm, even death miraculously on the map 05/08/2010

-In the year, month and day of our Lord, December 25th 2001, as I looked into dreams and visions upon my head, I was given what would become known as the Intrepid Dream. It was doing this dream I saw what could only be explained as the judgment not so much of nations, as Jesus will do this when he come. No, what I saw had to be the judgment of Mystery Babylon, as recorded in revelation 17th 18th chapters, simply this combustible disintegration of worldwide economies, religion and politics. It’s the precise falling away the Apostle Paul says has to happen before the great gathering of saints is come. This initial coming to nothing happens so suddenly, one moment I was driving a New Intrepid automobile through vast wilderness of modern day innovations. As so the next moment I was standing before a weigh scale being weighed in at 190 months. That’s fifteen years and ten months before everything we know as America, as the free world is all setback for hundreds of years by Damater, wars and disease.
-Just as so in the month of March as I was sitting watching TV I plainly, simply asked the Holy Spirit, when will all this come to an end, you know, ‘thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’ Now remember they’d already given me one time table, eight years had expired, with seven years belonging to a New World Order. Frankly, I showed interest in God’s kingdom coming simply because it alone will bring an end to the wicked, evil and most perverse world at present, all the stealing, killing and destroying. Believe me, it wasn’t so much what I was asking with my mouth, but you must know, it was where my heart was at the time. It was a few days later, March 7th to be exact was when a voice declaring and I quote “in thirty-nine and a half weeks, you’ll be dead.”
-I laid there momentarily, thought about what was said, I turn to my night stand, found pen and paper wrote what I heard down and went back to sleep. It wasn’t long before I heard an additional voice declare December 18th, again I wrote this date down and wouldn’t investigate it any further until I was out of bed. Just like the Intrepid dream when I was being weighed, it wasn’t about me, but the person, the nation I represented. Clearly so in this dream, it wasn’t about me, but about the people, The nation, even the world I represent. When I rose that morning and thought about calculating this figure, truly enough, from March 7th to December 18th there’s exactly thirty-nine and a half weeks.
-As always, despite the fact they’ve been dealing with me in this manner for over twenty years, I was yet astonished that thirty-nine and a half weeks from the very day they gave me this vision, would expire December 18th. They could’ve easily simply given me this date, but to stay true to biblical prophecy they wanted to give me this calculation dealing in weeks. This mean the time table given in December 2001, a great portion of it would expire on December 18th 2010. You may ask, what shall it be? Or why don’t I simply ask the Holy Spirit? I don’t have to ask Him, Elohim have this habit of revealing things to me as they see fit. Though if I had to guess, the Intrepid Dream, timetable was about the fall of Mystery Babylon, (Of the world’s economy and commerce), if this is the same clock then nothing has changed, unable to return to the Supreme Father void, Mystery Babylon fall as of December 18th 2010, has come.

And When The Seventh Shall Begin To Sound

A Voice Declaring:
“New Order,” there’s something about a new order of all things on the map, a new earth, a new man, a new earthly paradise, all on the map 05/09/2010

-In the year of our Lord 2004, the Archangel Gabriel came down from heaven to me, the same one who’d appeared to Jesus’ aunt Elizabeth, John The Baptist mother, the same one who’d appeared to Jesus’ mother, Mary, that he’s to explain Jesus’ conception and birth. The identical one who’d appeared to the prophet Daniel some five hundred years prior that he was to comprehend the rise of the Anti-Christ. This historic messenger of heaven’s throne message to me was first that I’m to understand how the fulfillment of ALL THINGS was upon mankind. As so was there something about the seventh angel, something about, she’s coming, or she’s going with the seventh angel. When the prophet Daniel was given end time prophecies he was told to seal the book for said prophecies wouldn’t be for a time, time and half, and knowledge, like that soaring at present would increase. We didn’t know it at the time, but this time, time and a half turn out to be two thousand and five hundred years, which has totally expired.
-Just as so, when John the revelator was shown climatic forms of end-time events, he was told to open the book, for the time was at hand, some two thousand plus years has since passed. Now with both of these time tables expiring, when the arch angel Gabriel appeared stating how the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind. This is exactly what is being declared behind the seventh angel, this is to mean, this generation at present, will not pass away until the totality of biblical prophecy is totally fulfilled. This is what Jesus meant in his description of end times to inquiring disciples, after he told them about a world in turmoil unprecedented, he then went on to explain. Sincerely he told them the generation in which these types of cataclysmic disasters would perform themselves simultaneously with no end in sight, deadly wars from man, deadly disasters from Damater (earth), and soon NEO’s.
-These world disasters that will no longer only scratch the surface of our skies but bring unparalleled death, dying and destruction, that an asteroid event is possibly what’s to destroy Mystery Babylon (the free world) so exact, and without warning. One moment we’re on top of the world, the next we’re completely under it, screaming and lamenting for our lives, peace and safety. I can’t express it more, how presently and without further delay what has been prophesied for centuries regarding the end of the times, man, his kingdoms and nation building has as I write this come to complete fulfillment. The smoke of America burning in 1984, The Death Rider vision of 1997, wars on American soil with Arab and Asian enemies,
1998. The Intrepid Dream and fall of mystery Babylon 2001, the Archangel Gabriel forewarning 2004 unto the final time table of the Free world fall December 2010.
-To be honest once the church is taken out, (only he who now let, will let, until he be taken out of the way and then shall the end come). Truthfully, any human being living upon this earth one the church bride is taken out will do it by trials and tribulation horribly and unthinkably perilous. Hundreds of millions will die, men, women, children and all, and some by torture vehicles so unspeakable Hitler’s Germany will pale in any comparison, I assure you. I know those of you at present can’t find anything worthwhile of Christ’s attending church-bride, how you make mockery of everything she believe, teach and preach. Remember I’m not talking about religion, those who drove the nails, but those who cried hallelujah to the Supreme father whenever they were found worthy to suffer, even die for him. Even as they die for you, that you know the truth as well, it’s hard to imagine one human being suffering forever with Satan, the failed Anti-Christ and False Prophet in hell.

A Clock Of Years Ticking Not Forward But Backward

There’s something about having a memorial party, celebration of the dead strangely on the map 03/08/2010

-You have to understand we’re talking about two time tables here, there’s the one given the prophet Daniel concerning the people of Israel, 70 weeks of years. That’s four hundred and ninety years to make an end of sin, to anoint the most holy, and bring in everlasting righteousness. This clock stopped exactly seven years before it expired and haven’t as yet started again, in totally regards to Christ’s cross. Now when Jesus was crucified, this Israeli time table skewed along an additional time table (line), the one whereas the prophet Daniel was given surrounding the Gentiles, this times, times and a half was so the Gentiles would as well bring an end to sin. Both the Jew and the Gentile reconciliation can be realized through Christ’s bloody cross and extraordinary resurrection, if only they believe and receive.
-Seemingly now, as of December 25th 2001, these mandated by God time tables skewed additionally becoming one proposed clock of years with 190 months to spare. This would mean as of Christmas 2001 both the Jew and the Gentile, equally the sons of Isaac and the sons of Ismail were given exactly 15.10 years to bring an end to sin, (recognize Jesus as Lord and savior), nine of the years representing Mystery Babylon will expire December 2010, with seven specific years belonging entirely to the end of the age at present. I know you’ve heard all of this from this end-time Apostle before, for the last twenty years to be exact. Though simply because I exist, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM), that from day one they’ve called me Apostle. That they have from God’s throne in heaven, as so to Christ’s Cross on this earth, to God’s living word and living Holy Spirit treated me accordingly, should be this greatest testament He is a God who changes not, whose promised word (prophecies) will never, ever return unto him void.
-As you can see, God seeming unending pause to come and save the believers from so long a death as this wicked earth at present was never about awaiting mankind’s repentance. All this time it was about certain timetables and time-clocks which had to be fulfilled, truly which part of the archangel Gabriel coming to me, appearing to me don’t you guys understand? Out of twenty four elders it was the prophet Ezekiel, out of all the archangels, it was Gabriel who was appointed to this task, as though I’m from heaven they know me and I know them. I just don’t know what else God can do to convince you how never since the days of Noah has mankind’s continuation been in and at so much peril. Many people are going to die yes, this is totally unavoidable with the heavens and earth exploding apart, out, under. Though remember, he saved Noah and his family out, as so did he save Abraham and his nephew out, as so with Mystery Babylon judgment, regardless of the Rapture, believers are encouraged to get out.
-It is now we know that regarding biblical prophecy a huge chunk of it is going to be fulfilled on December 18th 2010, although I would more than love for this to be the day of the great gathering of saints. I looked into a dream a few years ago where I saw the redeemed saints shooting like rockets from the earth into the heavens above. I saw this remarkable cloud become fat and even fatter with every saint that came bursting in. This was the type of Christ I saw exactly twenty three springs ago, his arms and hands reached toward me, me as the church-bride. He spoke three times to say come, as the prophet Malachi described of him, he had huge wings for healing stretched out to each of sides. The trumpet shall sound, the archangel will make a trumpet and a noise and in only a few seconds we’ll be gone. Although there’s no way of knowing when this day will be, just that it’s to be a day of mind and soul boggling jubilee, hurry Lord Jesus Christ and get us all the victory.
-I’m not the only one that has seen America die in a blaze of glory and hallelujahs to God at mankind’s greatest deceiver and detriment since the serpent in the Garden of Eden is passed away forever. There will be no safe haven here, which is why I’ve been seeing various forms of Exodus out of this country since the late eighties, how I teased when Barack Obama was only a Presidential nominee. In an even way I teased how God was looking for a type of Moses to again set his people free from this lying murderer. I looked in a dream some years back, in the dream I was approached upon, this person plainly said, He want to see you, and I responded who and he said Him and just as soon I saw light in brightness of the sun move from behind a mountain which declared “Let My People Go!” What am I saying? I’m saying get out, get out of this country as far southeast as your finances will allow. You may say why southeast? Then I’ll say because in an extensive dream about three years ago the Holy Spirit broke both my back and my neck.

A Person, an Angel declaring: “He want to talk to you, I declared who?" "Him the voice declared, when a light in brightness of the sun appeared from behind a mountain declared "Let My People Go." There's about God hearing the cries of his people, about Moses, an Exodus, even the ten plagues of Egypt all on the map 06/17/2002

-How they severely and violently spin me around while sitting behind the steering wheel in my car from the direction of southwest I was going, to the direction of Southeast. Not only so, I’d had dreams a few months prior whereas I saw this young lady floating and peddling along flood waters whereas she summoned me along this same direction. Though this I know for a certainty, neither the west, north or east will be a safe haven as they will be the least spared, this momentous event isn’t simply to be an invasion and capture, but like with Ezekiel’s Judah, there’s to be a complete destruction of America, even Western Societies, it isn’t to be seen, heard or recognized no longer. Believe this Apostle, this nation and other nations of the free world when they’ve lost what they believe is the most astonishing hope ever granted mankind, the American Dream.
-Unmistakably there’s going to be a pandemonium unspeakable throughout this nation, and this world. I know specialist warn how the best things to do in case of this country’s complete destruction, how we’re to most of all get out of large cities, when actually, we’re to completely get out of this country. These truths so reads the lamentation of Revelation the 18th chapter regarding the largest part of present-day systems like America, like worldwide commerce falling. I told my husband just a few weeks ago, that when America like at present become more of a liability to her allies than a asset then failed policies and partnerships will more and more become this growing threat, even a military threat. Judah of Ezekiel’s day thought God would never allow her enemies to overthrow her, their not realizing their enemies with power to war against them was God’s vengeance against them being all the realized, beware, repent.
-I know this Apostle for twenty years now has fanaticized over an African Juttah, a twenty year extension of grace realized as the African continent is transformed by God’s amazing grace into an Eden paradise. As so Mega ships on seas as this escape, pretty much what I’ve been sharing with you in these boards the last five years, as so on the internet for the last decade or more and what was recently portrayed in the 2009, 2012 movie. I know, I’m now seeking reprisal for their unauthorized use of my, of The Rising Above Ministry (RAM), work. Yeah the same work everybody pretty much laughed at, the majority but truly the most phenomena turning point of the blockbuster movie. Mega ships on water, Africa the only safe haven, was created as part of my fictional story Preece Ebonee Be’le, The African Juttah, in 1989-1996.
-Regardless, it’s time to heed the greatest end of the world forewarning given by God to especially his people of Faith and righteousness. That you’re to come out of Mystery Babylon, worldwide religion, commerce and politics, how you’re to no longer be a part of her sins. How her sins (great abominations) have reached unto God, so much so He remembers her iniquities, that He’s too at present destroy her and all those in bed (in agreement) with her. Once God’s vengeance is poured out, death angels like portrayed in Ezekiel the 9th chapter will be loosed into the land, and all that’ll be left of the American Dream is this magnetized paper Mache to be hang on a refrigerator. Many people are going to die, I have reason to believe millions will die in America alone as these prearranged assassins have sacrifice of all human life and not mercy. If you’ve never heeded a Rising Above Ministry (RAM) message before, hear this Apostle now, because exactly what is happening in our country, the failing bank, housing sector and economy, even in our world now. This Arab/Asian enemy and wars in the middle east, soon wars on American soil, this was all given to me in the late nineties were once gravely desired treasures became so worthless they couldn’t, even wouldn’t be given way.

How is the gold become dim! How is the most fine gold changed! The stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of every street. Lam. 4:1

That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).

Prophecy Link

-Seen to be seeing rushed drivers risking their lives, their children lives by perilous flood waters up to eight, even ten feet or more 11/05/2009
-Seen to be climbing up and staying on roof top to escape explosive flood waters 10/26/2009
There’s something about having a memorial party, celebration of the dead strangely on the map 03/08/2010 There’s something about the Jackson Five song, ‘Never Can Say Goodbye,” the lyrics never can say goodbye on the map 03/08/2012 Seem to be running and hiding for our live, running and hiding to save live mightily on the map 03/08/2010

Climbing Up To The Roof

A Voice Declaring: Climb Up To The Roof Top, you got four hours, another, more strange matter of getting to the rooftop, of climbing up to safety on the map 03/06/2010

Revelation Speaks:

And He Saith Unto Me, seal not the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. He that is unjust ,let him be unjust still, and he which is filthy that him be filthy still, and he that righteous let him be righteous still, and he that is holy, let him be holy still Rev. 22:11...The End

For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

The Jackson Five: I Never Can Say Goodbye, 1971

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above

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