-Seen To Be Seeing In Large Print, the world SIN, as so the number 666, as just recently I saw a puzzle image of 666 as it felt as though it was being burrowed agonizingly into my skull 05/13/2010 (see man of sin II Thess. 2nd Chapter.)
-There’s Something about Red Velvet the movie, word, person or place red velvet on the map 07/07/2010
-Seen to be seeing a parade of people carrying banners of red silk floats, marching, floating streets of red on the map 6/11/2010
-A Voice Declaring: “A quarter of a million miles away, there’s something about a major distraction, about a long, unforeseen distance away on the map 06/11/2010
Reconcile, Be Holy …Meshullum Kadesh
Light hath come but men love darkness rather than light for their deeds are evil...JCON
The Money Tool 07/09/2010
“No, no, see Hain that is where you’re wrong, the bible never said money was evil, but that the root of all evil is money.” “Money is nothing but a tool, take it outside and place it with all of your other tools and it’s to remain there until you get ready to use it.” “Just like any other tool, it can be used for good or for evil, you can use it to build something to help God’s people or to hurt God’s people, ---doesn’t that mean instead of money possessing people, people possess money?” “Because money is completely inanimate and can thus only perform as it is driven or willed by mankind, ---yes, flesh and blood Hain did not reveal that to you.” “As so you should know, just because you take money and build a school or a church doesn’t always mean you’ve done something good.” “Truly if the Holy Spirit isn’t in it then it’s destined to do or be nothing but a detriment or a stumbling block to God’s people.” “ Except the Lord build the house, right?” “Right, he that labor Sole, labor in vain, ---what are you looking for?” “Salt, is there no salt on this table?” “Remember five of the seven churches of Asia Minor were in sin and just as soon passed away, it’s what Jesus meant when he declared how he knew where Satan’s seat was, no without the Holy Spirit in charge then both God’s leaders and people are without a righteous head.” “This is to mean all you have is confusion and every evil work, clearly the blind leading the blind, whereas both are to fall into the ditch.” “I’ll take a little of that as well, ---this is again why you have so much failure where churches are concern, for they’ve forsaken God, even sound doctrine. ” “You see this is what May was seeing when she experienced what she described as silence in heaven, what she saw and heard is one of the greatest proofs that God indeed love his people and has never forsaken them.” “Silence in heaven, isn’t there something in the bible about a silence in heaven?” “In the book of revelation actually, ---both of you are right, it’s between the seventh seal and prior to the first trumpet Judgment, and it truly take a prayer warrior to take to its notice.” “Anyway, May described how this particular morning when she was praying she suddenly realized there was like this stillness in heaven, this silence, now we all know with all things that’s to happen or transpire in heaven it’s never silent, ---right?” “Then she said just as suddenly she begins to hear crying, sobbing, that not just anyone was crying uncontrollably but it was the Supreme Father Himself.” “She said He was crying, that He was balling, that as He cried she too began to cry, she too began to sob inconsolably.” “When just as soon He began to talk, to say, how His people were dying, how they were being stripped of everything His Christ hath brought them.” “That additionally He said, my people are dying and they’re being stripped of everything my Christ hath brought them.” “How He then described, that as His people were being stripped, then He would strip their leaders leaving them as in the day in which they were born, naked and bare.” “Man,” as one glancing keenly into Soledad Maurice’s lunch plate was Collin Hain pondering his choice of meal, ”I guess I should’ve got shrimp as well.” “If you realize it Hain, Sole, God’s creation of Christ hath come, ministered, died, rose and ascended not only to display unto us in every fashion God’s form of righteousness.” “Though was it also that said righteousness would dominate and anoint us so every male on the planet would be in the explicit imagine of Jesus the Christ of God.” “As so every woman in complete likeness of the church-bride, plainly the Holy Spirit, both so holy and acceptable unto the Lord it’s without description.” “Clearly then and only then would God’s will and not the will of evil, corrupt man would’ve been done, this is where the Christ Lord from the cross cried “IT IS FINISHED.” “So money has never been used the way it suppose to be used?” “Let me have just one of those, pleaseeee ---I believe just as the Supreme explain how the tithe is suppose to be used, was He equally describing how money in general is suppose to be used.” “Watch out now,” as a cheerful one joining them was Kassel Berlyn getting a lunch break in time to join them as she’d promised husband Soledad Maurice. “Those are fighting words, the truth my sister-in-law always is, hey there honey you made it, so what you gonna have?” “Of course this is to mean putting overages in storehouses and banks would be like taking manna from heaven, it’s overage and for the longest putting it in store-houses, where therein it’s to be of no good to anyone, more a curse than a blessing.” “Are you serious, you’re comparing money to manna?” “I mean manna was of no use beyond God’s purpose to momentarily feed the hungry, and what Sole do you believe money is for, the tithe, the offering, this oversupply of finances?” “This is why May has always believed God would either equalize all wealth or destroy it, and the destruction of Mystery Babylon easily means he’s to destroy it all.” “So your sister couldn’t make it?” “Your wife you mean?” “No, said she had a lot of catching up to do, so what’s wrong with you guys anyway?” “Wrong?” Noticed upon as one peeping into an awkward stir of his tea glass, although where they all concern Desrek and Kiefer were not going to make it. “Nothing is wrong, she has her work and I have mine, we’re doing just fine, I’ll get home in time to prepare a fantastic candlelight dinner and we’ll snuggle in front of the fire and the tube for the rest of the night.” “Wow, well can I come home with you guys, you know get Andre to meet us at your place for candle lights and smuggling?” “Maybe Hain some other time, yeah, yeah that’s what you always say, maybe some other time, well at least I’m consistent.” “He really does reveal himself to her in more than mysterious ways, yeah Desrek man, why is that?” “All I can tell you is according to the word of God, especially I Corinthians 12th chapter, and especially by Christ’s cross God is the one who set up the members in the church, that’s Christ’s church as it hath pleased him.” “Easily, they’ve chosen her, just as they choose Noah, Abraham, Moses and the children of Israel, even the twelve, they’ve chosen her and revealed themselves to her accordingly.” “So when people talk about certain money being bad, you mean Hain like it’s spoiled or something?” “No, evil people and their lying, murdering ways, especially their greed spoil the divine miracle money can actually be.” “That’s,” viewed as one biting assuredly on a raw carrot, what a friend these young worshippers had not only in God’s Christ, but their servant Desrek Allum Aggart, “my opinion anyway, and if you really think about it, it all make sense.” “No, if money is a stumbling block to God’s people, remember every good gift and perfect gift descend down from the Father of lights, God.” “ Thus if money is found to be corrupt, even evil, it’s because the man who wills and even possess it is most of all despitefully wicked.”
Also See http://thethingshereafter.blogspot.com
…For they say the Lord seeth us not, the lord is ascended from the earth Eze. 8:12. From Beast of Beauty fea. Meshullum Kadesh, by Patricia A. Bradford, Apostle, The Rising Above Ministry,(RAM) © Copyright 2009-2010 By: THE R.AM, All RIGHTS RESERVED.
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
WARNING: It is a violation of true righteousness to use these moments, their explicit illustrations in a manner inconsistent with sacred godliness undefiled toward both God and man...See, Matt 22:36-40, Ephs 5:21-33, Ephs. 4:21-32.
Prophecy Links
-There's something about the archangel Michael, the commander of God’s Army mightily on the map 02/16/2010.
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah: How Great Thou Art
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
All prophecy would've been fulfill, as Jesus Christ is the fulfilment of All prophecy, and Jesus and all those who believed in him, all heaven bond saints would've with him realized his one Thousand year reign. Clearly by this time in biblical history redeemed mankind would've been in God's Kingdom on the earth for over a thousand years. Those of us born of Jesus Christ one thousand year reign, and God's reigning kIngdom would've never known sin, or mystery babylon, (The entire free, sinful world).
As you see, the time, time and a half given the reign of Satanic, Demonic and Policitial/religious rule would've never existed. Although it was all fate, as at present, there was too much hatred on this planet for God, even toward the righteousness of God. It was just too much of a temptation for man to let a holy, truthful, pure spirit worshipper of God like Jesus Christ to reign over them. They had to kill him, They had to kill him for his truth... Apb..The Ram
Thursday, August 5, 2010
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