Wednesday, November 10, 2010

And This Shall Be The End!

Master Disasters And Invasions In The Links Prophecy 11/02/2010

Look in the sky, it’s an angel, a spinning mechanical man, falling jet liners, an astronomical fall of peace and safety, of crystal skies remarkably on the map 10/31/2010

The Rapture, End-Times in the Links Prophecy

-749. There’s something about the Rapture, some by grace, others by the wine press of God 06/12/2003
-200,259. Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a dress rehearsal for the Rapture of the church 01/06/2004
-200,271. Seen to be in heaven, seen to be seeing a trial run for the rapture of the church, the rapture of the church mightily on the map 01/08/2004
-200,275. Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a trial run for the second coming of Jesus Christ to the battle of Armageddon 01/08/2004
-200,306. Seen to be seeing a key, the bottomless pit and Satan being placed into prison, Satan one thousand year imprisonment on the map 01/14/2004
-200,660. Seen to be seeing, being visited upon by the archangel Gabriel, he seen to be declaring “The Fulfillment Of All Things Is Upon Us, as so she’s going or coming with the seventh Angel" Gabriel and the seventh angel on the map 05/15/2004
-200,427. Seen to seeing a cloud fat and bursting through with the first resurrection saints shooting into the heavens like rockets at meeting the Lord Christ in the heavens 02/14/2004
-300,086. Seen to have the hem of Jesus garment, his sandal feet only a nose length from my face just prior to my recognition that I’m standing with him on the mount of Olivet. Evenly just prior to my realization the air, or should I say the oxygen is cool, clear and pure up there, Jesus standing on mount Olivet on the map 04/21/2004
Prophetically On The Map

-Seen to be seeing how it is Jesus second coming is no longer pending but is he with the Church bride. As so with visible sandal feet and robe walking on the earth in the midst of visiting the people, Jesus as promised again on the earth, on the map 08/19/2007, my unnumbered as yet prophecy link

The Sky Is Falling

Seen to be seeing Satanic and Demonic forms of destroying crystal skies, an astronomical fall of crystal skies remarkably, and frightfully on the map 03/18/2010
Light hath come but men love darkness rather than light for their deeds are evil...JCON

Apostle Pat Bradford 11/08/2010
The Rising Above Ministry (RAM)

Dear Frances Swaggart… The Revised Version

-The Holy Spirit being as astronomical as he is has possibly already brought it to your mind, how a lot of people are leaping and jumping onto the Jimmy Swaggart Jesus wagon so to speak as being less about Jesus and more about your criticism against the Obama administration. I find it hard to realize how it is abortion, homosexuality and lesbianism problem, even this mounting economic problem. To be totally honest, let you Frances and your panel of wise men tell it, all of Americas mounting problems began with the Obama administration. Sincerely there have been times, especially when Donnie preach, there have been times it’s been made to seem as though since before the Obama administration we had born again saints in the white house.
-While, I was watching CNN that day Minister Jerry Farwell made the statement how the US military should go into the middle east and I quote, “KILL THEM MALL!” , didn’t the Apostle Paul forewarn us how our battle isn’t against flesh and blood, how it’s a spiritual battle and Jesus his blood alone has won this colossal victory. I was completely thrown back that a minister of God would actually say something like that, this is not the ministry of Jesus Christ, that followers fell away from Him as he taught them to love their enemies. You say why? Because winning their souls over to Christ is more important, remember, those losing their live for his, Jesus sake? God did it with mercy, forgiveness, and unconditional love, what then make us think wars and rumors is going to then do it for us. Truly nothing about politics from the first president to the one at present is about the gospel of Jesus Christ, actually just recently the Holy Spirit described it as another gospel, as another satanic induced, religion.
-Jesus Christ ultimate message to all mankind was repent or perish, never before since the history of the church has this single message been more important, that’s Frances more imperative than the one administration pioneering the great gathering of saints and second return of our Lord Christ. The church world need to realize America as was especially true with the Bush Administration, America is simply suffering according to abominations quite insurmountable she is even as I write this, sown. It’s heart breaking for me that a ministry as Holy Spirit and spiritually lead as Jimmy Swaggart ministries isn’t about warning God’s people about disastrous judgments of God set against this nation of America alone. It’s as though just like Ezekiel’s Judah we’re convinced, that Satan has influenced us how God will not destroy the of great consequence nation on this planet, they sister Frances were wrong, we are wrong.
-Its Frances as though we can see the insurmountable atrocities of all nations but our own, honestly put Noah’s earth, Sodom and Gomorrah and The Towel of Babel together, that every time I read John declaring hearing a loud voice crying how we’re to come out of her. That’s Mystery Babylon, that we’re not to be partakers of her sins, I can’t help but think this precious father was warning us about the greatest abominable whore of all nations, the very one most nations mimic erroneously, The United States of America. The death Rider I saw in the early nineties, the one rising right out of the earth, the one the Holy Spirit described as riding against the abominations and detestations, his words exactly. Continuing, this one rising upon the lives of the people, the land of the people and the churches of the people for they’d forsaken God, was to again target this overpowering manner of gain for godliness, this idolatrous worship.
-We cannot forget God hath ordain that judgment against the abominable Nations of this world must begin at us, this worlds’ spiritual sanctuary, America, a judgment Frances as near as December 18th 2010. I’m so tired of John declaring how America have sin but her sins isn’t as great as other nations sins, sin is sin, and the soul, the nation that sin shall die. Shall be judged harshly by the Supreme, again, again and again from the mid eighties to this hour at present, the Supreme Father has been showing this end time Apostle how there’s a judgment upon this nation. A judgment of God described to me as it was described to the prophet Ezekiel fourteen hundred years ago. As a matter of fact, for the last seventeen years Elohim, the Heavenly Host with them, Michael, Gabriel appearing to me in 2004.
-How we’re to understand how America, perhaps even Israel at present day is like Judah in Ezekiel and Jeremiah’s day, and as the leaders and people of those times they’re destined regardless of being forewarn continuously, Just as so are they fated to be caught as unaware as the September 11th attacks. You guys may not believe this, but the Obama administration know this, and is attempting like it was described of Jeremiah’s King Zedekiah, how God forewarn him he and his Kingdom had been given over into the hands of their enemies. how there was nothing that could be done but to act with them peacefully, how none would come to his aid, none. That by chance if he didn’t treat this victorious enemy with extreme caution, with a diplomatic hand, then his Kingdom would fall, would be ravished and people of the kingdom taken captive. We all know how this turn out, the roll of warnings given Jeremiah for this king was cast into the burning, he, they wouldn’t listen, they couldn’t listen and suffered a faith eerily similar to present day Saddam’s Iraq.
-Clearly since you guys are so busy fighting against the very fulfillment of biblical prophecy Jimmy Swaggart ministry most of all get the credit for teaching. In the mean time this nation unknowingly is about to be over taken by disasters that’s going make the last disasters here look like a walk in the park or a day on the beach. Again does this mean President Obama’s role is that similar to the various Kings these two prophets had to deal with in their day and time, will he be a wise man like Isaiah’s King, or a fool like Jeremiah’s King . I need you to realize, the Holy Spirit have been dealing with me about these events long before there was a supposedly war in Iraq, a war on terrorism and a supposedly axis of evil, a beguiled one wittingly corrupting all the hearts of the unrepentant.
-In the year of our lord 1998/99 Elohim extracted Jeremiah 37:8 right out of the text and place it across my eyes, as I tried to sleep, this scripture, if I understood it correctly, and at first I didn’t. This particular passage was telling me, or forewarning me about an enemy that was coming against this nation, empowered by the wrath of God to judge even Americans according to their sins. This is why I’ve sister Frances seen an unnumbered amount of exodus out of this country, the movies 2012, actually copied off of an unpublished work I’ve been sharing on the internet the last decade. Titled Preece Ebonee Be’le, it’s about young God and thus marriage worshipper’s, worldwide chaos, and exodus. As so mega, transformer type ships on water, and the African continent, the cradle of mankind the only, single safe-haven. I kid you not, my faith, and spiritual dreams, visions, revelation knowledge and visitations to heaven inspired this work nearly twenty years ago, I’ve shared it on line in great details only to have them steal it.
-Irregardless, this enemy would be an impossible foe that despite how you war against them, and wounded and even defeated them they would keep coming back. It’s here Jeremiah 37:8 describes this enemy perfectly, remember I didn’t choose this, it was given to me, when I first read it I was innocent of what it all meant. Thus it reads, and the Chaldeans shall come again, and fight against this city, and take it and burn it with fire, imagine the Holy Spirit showing you this, it’s not the most extraordinary he’s to show you, but this most weird. Undoubtedly, what does this mean in this day, in this time? That’s exactly what I asked, and the Chaldeans shall come again, and fight against this city, and take it and burn it with fire. Of course you’re admonished to read on, further, ‘Thus says the Lord, deceive not yourselves saying, the Chaldeans (the opposers) shall surely depart from us, for they shall not depart.
-Now to describe what eventually became President Bush war on terror and the Axis of evil, what could have saved this nation billions and billions of dollars even as I write this. ‘For though you had smitten the whole army of Chaldeans that fight against you, and there remain but wounded men among them, yet shall they rise up, every man in his tent, and burn this city with fire. You say what city? Well, Jerusalem was the greatest world city in Jeremiah’s day, New York is this greatest world city this modern day. All the time this prophet of God was warning him, King Zedekiah was convinced especially Egypt would come to its aid. Although the Prophet and word of God told him, no, it, they would not, they had, it had on God’s divine calendar been given over into the hands of their enemy, they couldn’t receive that. I mean for all we know Saddam’s blood lineage Barrack Hussein Obama is sitting in the white house of America right now, how one of their sons in the Whitehouse, may perhaps stay this enemy hand. Clearly people we’re not just talking about politics here, it’s simply the vehicle, we’re talking about long awaited prophecies for the seeming ancient of times being fulfilled as an entire right before our eyes.

Seen to be seeing Islamic terrorist receiving diamond wedding rings for their efforts in the war on terrorism, relentless warriors on the map, 2003

-I’m Frances so assured by these things, especially since everything that is going on in this nation and world is what they’ve been showing me for the last twenty plus years, it’s why I told president Bush in a 2003 letter how there were things about to happen in this nation. As so in this world, that if you’re a hundred years old you would’ve seen nothing like it. I knew this because the Holy Spirit told me that once the year two thousand came in nothing would ever be the same, that records of every aspect of life and living would be both set and broken. This is why I’ve teased even before Obama won the election how God was looking for a Moses, someone to lead us, the redeemed from the sizable disasters death and dying to come.
-I Joked with my daughter in law just recently how President Obama should leave the Whitehouse, call his African relatives and get us somewhere, his followers somewhere to go. America as we’ve known her and loved her is over, this is why the Holy Spirit asked me a few mornings ago had I or my children realized how their children, my grandchildren, could grow up in occupied territories, in an occupied America? I’ve seen it in a dream, it was about ten or so years ago, American refugees by the hundreds or thousands pouring into an African village. I’ll admit my work Preece Ebonee Bele existed by then, but still it was amazing to see. As so did I look into a dream a few years back where I witness a US general hand off his horse to the prophet Jeremiah, easily signaling no contest where biblical prophecy is concern, as not one bit of his prophetic word will return unto this Supreme Father void.
-These end times events are so beyond us, so beyond what we think, or say, when I was told in a dream months before Obama won, when I was told he was the one, I was also encouraged to pay close attention to his Itinerary, his itinerary at present, this gravely gossip trip to India is dominating national and international news. The Holy Spirit want you all to know this man isn’t a trip up of God, he’s a man of prediction, meaning he was fashioned in his mother’s womb to be exactly where he is and what he is even as I write this. Do I think he’s the ant-Christ? No, but only because I’ve never believed the white horse rider and the anti-Christ were one of the same. I believe the white horse rider like President Obama, is a genuine peacemaker, a very spirited one, that he actually think what he’s doing is for the betterment o f this nation and mankind.
-I thus believe his peacemaking skills will bring about the final world peace, you know when the entire world like a pre-911 America will cry out peace and safety. How just as recorded in scripture, three and a half years later a seeming insignificant other will make war against this peace pack, destroying three of its member nations and taking control of the seven remaining, that yes, we’re this close. This my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus is the forewarning the archangel Gabriel appearing to me in 2004 was giving me, when he declared how the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind. This amazing forewarning and something about she’s coming or going with the seventh angel, like you, I don’t know who this she is. Though as you read it in revelation, as I did, this trumpet sound is too late into end time prophecy for it to be the church bride. This is why every time I hear you guys talking about a great revival of souls that’s coming, I feel deeply you’re describing the tribulation saints, and the millions upon millions that will be gathered into the sheep’s fold.
-Seriously, I don’t believe we, the resurrection saints will be here much longer, that this December date could very well be the great gathering of saints. I’ve asked the Holy Spirit and was assured how it could be both, the great gathering of saints. As so the end of America, the free world as we’ve known it, clearly I’ve seen her treasures become so worthless they couldn’t be given away. The reason I’m assured mightily that America, Israel at present is like unto the prophet Ezekiel is because just as Jesus appeared to be in the heavens spring 1986, a type of the great gathering of saints, commissioning me to come. I never compared the two, but exactly seven years later, 1993, and remarkably as I’ve learn just recently, these particular years coincide perfectly with Ezekiel’s years, fourteen hundred years earlier. Appearing in heaven what I would realize seven years later, I was presented to the prophet Ezekiel, he would open exactly three doors to me. Openly, Jesus commissioned me three times, and now three doors in heaven open to me, hence, I no longer sister Frances wonder why of the twenty-four elders, this prophet.
-Please pray for me, even as I write this a massager of Satan seek my harm and my death, I don’t think I’m suppose to know these things, that strong delusions of God’s judgment is instead suppose to reign over the unbelievers. Although Elohim will not have his followers ignorant thinking these times will just go down in history as the worse ever , though we’re to go on to greater wealth and power but not so. I was told how the anti-Christ would kill millions upon millions, as millions go broke, a voice declaring: “God said he (the antichrist) will kill millions, that even Americans where to be stripped like God’s servant Job, naked and bear. The people of Ezekiel’s day were to understand God’s judgment was imminent, that there was really nothing they could do, do that is to save the nation, they were to exodus or perish, God simply deplored it all and would therefore annihilate it all.
-Just now as I was standing in my kitchen fixing breakfast the holy Spirit reassured me how it is very soon the church bride could be looking down from the regions of the third heavens praying for the tribulation saints. Now you pause momentarily and think about that, just as so how very soon we could be praying for our brothers and sister, those bearing the testimonies of Christ in the last times, again from our mansions in heaven. This too remind of a dream, a vision I had 02/14/2004, in this dream I witness saints become as rockets, even as shooting stars and they were soaring from the earth into the heavens above, once more, they were like firing rockets. Notwithstanding Frances, did I see a cloud, a normal every day cloud that became fat and even fatter as person after person was yet captured into it. It was the most profound, the most hands on dream ever, trumpets and sirens, just gloriously unutterable, even unfathomable, only to again, reappear into the here and now.
-Amazingly, to fall asleep in your bed and to awaken in the third heavens, you have no more control over what you’re to see and hear, no more than John the beloved and the revelations of Jesus Christ. Soon you’re to be led to one in heaven whereas there’s no need of introduction, evidently it’s an older, gray hair appearing prophet Ezekiel. This unpronounced servant of God, who according to God’s will, he’s to then take you and just as soon lead you along the regions of God’s throne. Now we know why it is when John the beloved went to kneel before his helper in heaven, he told John no, to do it not, as he too was no more than a servant, than a fellow brethren in the testimonies of Jesus Christ. Time will not allow me to go into much details, but at the time knowing little of this Prophet, I would soon learn he showed me much of what he’d himself seen and heard.
-Especially what I saw and heard as this prophet open momentarily, even cautiously exactly three doors was the preparation of the end-time laborers of the harvest. I saw as a multitude of people going to fro about the Supreme’s throne, I saw them being washed and made cleanse, I saw the word of God being placed in their heart and mind. I saw this divine illumination that no one could draw close too become as a hand and reached into the chest of these laborers. How their old hearts bore his hand, as he would just as soon give unto them new hearts of flesh and inconceivable love, I saw that before they left the throne of God. That as he touched the very temple of their foreheads, that they were most of all commissioned to be acquainted with God’s sore grieves and sorrows, that when they left the throne, they departed the throne Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, pastors and teachers. Thus and so I believe whenever I’m to give a testimonial about things seen and heard, about visitations to heavens dated beyond 1993, I presume they’re memories of things I seen doing this literally indescribable come and see demonstration of Heavens throne.
-I heard brother Jimmy this morning telling his panel of men how spiritual leaders will soon be without excuse as his broadcast of remembering from whence we’ve fallen is spanning the globe. He made the statement how these leaders of men are going to have to make a choice whether to preach /teach the cross of Jesus Christ, or the wisdom of the world. Immediately I thought to myself, the cross of Jesus is life, eternal life, while the wisdom of the world is death, the Apostle Paul described it as a letter that killed, while Christ gospel is the Spirit that gives life. This God ordain, Holy Ghost filled, empowered program is an answered to my prayers, as I was incapable of reaching millions on a daily basis with Jesus Christ’s gospel. God has again shed his grace upon this nation and the world, one that was taken from us when the Jimmy Swaggart ministries fell away from telecasting . When it was then replaced with Gain for Godliness ministries crying aloud and sparing not like their lying, murdering father Satan, how a merciful God won’t surely send you to a burning hell.
-Truly Proverbs was so right on when it declared how there is a way that seem right unto man, but the end thereof is the way of death. We should’ve always remembered Jesus crying aloud, sparing not, “what shall it profit a man, if he shall GAIN the whole world and lose his soul, or what shall man give in exchange for his soul? Honestly brother Swaggart, it’s as though they’ve all been wondering around in a spirit, desert like wilderness, and a thirst inconceivable far surpasses them. A spiritual dehydration so immeasurable only the living water of life, Jesus Christ, issuing especially from your ministry is this divinely proficient thirst quencher. I don’t always agree, but I love you guys, keep up the good work, please keep me in your prayers, I don’t know how long God is going to allow us to be here. Though I do know, how from the words of the Archangel Gabriel of 2004, it can’t be no more than a few months off, thus let us work while it’s day (redeeming time), for a night (evil resistant) cometh where no man can work, beware, take heed, your redeemer cometh with healing in his wings.

P. S.

-Tell Frances, Donnie and John, the next time someone asked about the sins of gambling consider telling them something like this: Be not drunk with the world, nor the things of the world, this include wage earning, and higher education, the getting and gaining of worldly treasures and wealth. Wage earning is not a blessing, it is a part of the original curse, I know we’re to earn money so we’re to give as we ought, but we’re not to be drunk with this gain. Truly God has, and is losing just as many faithful saints to wage earning and doctorates and degrees as with gambling, drinking and drugs. Remember, it’s the drunkenness, the excessiveness, the addiction of any and all things of this world, which is not of God but of the world, this is the sin, this is the idolatry. Apb, The RAM…

-That you be aware, that you be born-again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM). Apostle Pat Bradford,

Remember from whence thou art fallen, repent and do the first works, JCON. For A Reference see Sonlife Broadcasting Network SBN Direct TV Channel, 344

And This Shall Be The End

-Just last night, well this morning, I awaken from a dream whereas in the dream I was sitting in a church, it seem to be a Jimmy Swaggart church when suddenly people became panic. They became panic and started exiting the building, they where exiting the building because of a bomb threat. We're not talking about deadly incidents in the away yonder where people are repeatedly dying in our stead but we're talking about American soil. 05/25/2010
I looked into dreams whereas cities of America where making it like cities of Iraq. I saw a Wal-Mart in flames. People in total panic, I even saw people taken hostage; my spouse was one of them, as so was there was something about bomb threats. This is where I pulled from the sinks where I was washing dishes a long length of hair that was to act as a measuring stick, like the horses bridle mention in Revelation, which is six feet long. 05/22/2010
I was caught up in visions and dreams this morning, 08/10/2010, I wish I could tell you what I saw and heard but the truth is I don't rightly know. That's correct, like it was routine, or it just wasn't that important, only as I began to wake I heard a voice say and I quote, "and this shall be the end." My Christ Jesus, who's about to be on the earth, you should've seen me trying to do like this re-run or trying to take what I supposedly heard and saw more serious, 'and this shall be the end.'

For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening To: Jimmy Swaggart: Tell Me The Story Of Jesus, there’s something mighty, about this song

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory

A Ministry Above

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