A Voice Declaring: “Get Beyond the Pension, (temporal, even catastrophic lives, lands and churches), get to the hills!” 09/04/2002
A Voice Declaring: They’re dying because of the holocaust, a future holocaust claiming millions on the map 6/09/2002
A Voice Declaring: “I will kill everything boldly and necessarily,” the great day of his wrath upon the map 03/27/2004
A Voice Declaring: “I Will Lay It All To Waste,” the winepress/wrath of God mightily on the map 04/13/08
The Mideast, Pakistani Intel: U.S. Missile Strike Kills 23, published June 08, 2011, Associated Press
Turf/Drone Wars
And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
Are American Bombs The Smartest Of Them All? Apb... 06/08/2011
-I know the Christ Lord forewarn how especially in these last days there would be wars and rumors of wars, that I was having visions and dreams about what is now defined as wars on terrorism since the late nineties. As so was I forewarn through the scripture Jeremiah 37:8 how this would be an unconquerable foe, that the more they’re killed and maimed, the more empowered they become, why, for we’re not simply wrestling against flesh and blood, but divine fulfillment. How just before the initial war in Afghanistan I received a word of knowledge crying aloud, sparing not “pray for all human beings at the wailing wall,” without hesitation you know this is Holy Spirit, and not hatred and malice. The Holy Spirits knew America was going to war, they knew if and when America goes to war many people, millions will die. The actuality is mankind’s kingdoms cannot strive, they cannot prosper or flourish except by blood, hence, the change President Bush and now President Obama, as so allying nations want to bring upon the world can only come by shedding of blood, but it’s ok, right? It’s the enemy’s blood.
-Sorrowfully this is why so many famed spiritual leaders support this supposedly war on terrorism, how they argue and justify for these apparent inhumanity to man because war on another’s soil is better then sacrificing the America dream, millions, to billions have for centuries died, is dying for. Though it’s again all justified, because it’s all done on the premise and promise of peace, this what the European man has done all his days made war or made peace from war. This rider John saw, having a bow but no arrow, doesn’t mean he won’t kill, but that he kill for peace and not war, this of course make him more dangerous. That’s more deadly than all supposedly tyrants and terrorist gone before because his kills, even by the millions, this insurmountable bloodshed is all clarified and defensible by terrorist plotting. So much so the free world become literally numb to all the death and dying, even worse they become extremely self righteousness, meaning they nor their vindicated leaders can then do no wrong.
-So much so manslaughter isn’t the taking of human life at all but a tool for peacekeeping, only Arab and non-Christian leaders commit manslaughter, only Arab and non-Christian leaders commit pandemics, and genocide. This is why in Mystery Babylon’s cup is the blood of the slain, the martyred if we’re to measure America’s weight of blood-guiltiness what measure would it mete? A few years ago I described this to the Father and I said, “if you don’t stop her, America, this unforeseen for the most greediest, spoil, most gluttony people on this planet thirst for blood. This wicked going after strange flesh and abomination of the earth, if you don’t hinder her, if you don’t get in her way, she will gravely decimate for and on the premise of peace the entire wailing wall (human race of seekers). When I forewarn this of the Supreme Father I totally and completely believed it as America, like all world nations, kingdoms are only a replica of their lying, whorish, murderous mother, again, Mystery Babylon, the great harlot and atrocities of the earth whose highly distinguished rebellion sorely beckons the Supreme Father to wrath.
-As I was growing up in Christ, I listen to the teachings of Jimmy Swaggart most of all, he and his panel of men then (1986), he and his panel of men now (2011). Not so much now, but then I had an ear that lean on most of what this man said, I believed as he believed, I’m the Apostle I am in Christ because of it. This particular study this morning in memory he was teaching on King David the warmonger, and how he’d laid his enemy to bear, that he’d fought and gain land mass far and wide, and many people had died. I didn’t know this then but as the Holy Spirit give me comprehension to see this post through, you’re now to see. When we supposedly fight for God we think we’re completely justified, though there’s one thing you’re not to consider, every ounce of human blood spilled on this planet friend or foe will have to be avenged by God, it’s described , this pouring out of God’s wrath, in Revelation as the winepress of God, even more described as the length of the horses bridle.
-That’s get even every bit and bridle of blood spilled, no it is not freely ours to take, it is true blood guiltiness is by Christ’s cross for the repentant at heart and soul forgiven but this in no way justifies the taking of human life. If you sow man’s blood, you will reap the corruption and the death penalty of spilling man’s blood. In other words every time you take a life, you’re in every event saying this person blood be upon you and your house, your nation, and people. This is why biblically, scripturally and wholeheartedly, thou shalt not kill, evidently because of the divine consequences its’ to here warrant. This truth is at the root of the extraordinary price the Savior of this world, Jesus paid, that whosoever believeth in him (remember, return, repent) wouldn’t die, but would have everlasting life. It’s rather that you instead die, best having given your life over to Jesus Christ, you know he saving his life (the American Dream) losing it. This mean an eternal lost, second death, damnation, though he losing his life for Jesus Christ sake, saving it forevermore.
-This is where we hear the revelations of Christ crying aloud, sparing not, “blessed are the dead who die in the lord Jesus Christ, I mean by a curse of death we’re all dead but those in Christ Jesus are the blessed dead, who will one day REST from their labors (curse) and their works do follow them.” There is no rest here accept in Christ Jesus, this genuine peace of heart, every given moment in this nation, and world people are running and hiding and avoiding, sometimes multiple pending events of disaster. Those staged not only to take life, but peace and relaxation, even peace of mind and soul, Jesus promised us this. That although he promised abundant life, he promised we’re to be overcome of this world’s nature regarding tribulation, that only as we learn to rest in him, will we find the abundant life, by his bloody cross granted us from Him. Despite how high and mighty beyond the heavens, earth and God’s throne the American Dream, it’s still only a stunning to covet, artificial loan, it’s still a curse of death and judgment.
-As Jimmy Swaggart’s expounded upon the moral of this lesson, how King David had become such the warmonger, a thirst for blood that he didn’t want to stop. That he wanted to grab more land, he would kill more of his enemies and God the Supreme was telling him no, no more, that enough was enough. He went on to tell about a dream King David or one of his soldier’s had, they saw an angel, in heavens with a sword in hand over the nation, that just after this vision some 70,000 of King David men were slain, or died. At any rate it was God displaying his dislike and disagreement with King David inability to withdraw, to even retreat from the slaughter of human life. You see this is what successful wars do to men, it make them land and blood thirsty monsters with much disregard friend or foe toward human life. I mean who know whether or not the evildoer will turn again to righteousness, that Jesus has died to give them this opportunity, evidently take his life and frustrate Christ’s Cross.
-This is the teaching I remember when a few years passed I looked into a dream where I saw an angel in the heavens, it had a pitcher in hand and it was pouring water on this country, this world, this planet. It could be any or all of the above, all I know national and international flooding has been unprecedented since. I had to correct a friend years go who was excited about God’s promise of rainbow, I had to remind her, this was God’s promise not to destroy the earth again by flood. That he never said a nation, state, city or province wouldn’t be destroyed by flood. As a matter of fact ancient prophecies I learn just recently that many seers, the Maya, Nostradamus, even the visionary in Leonardo saw a great deluge having part in greatly desolating the present world. That the Maya themselves have an end time prophecy where they saw an angel standing on the top of the earth, bowl in had, pouring water on the earth.
-You see after Noah’s flood the Supreme Father notice one thing in particular, how the earth was destroyed yes, but sin yet remain, thus he decided he would never destroy the world because of sin. Though he would destroy sin out of the world, that he would by fire ( Super Storms, Super-solar flares, Super Nova’s, Super Volcanoes, even Super wars ) destroy, that‘s rid not only this earth, but the entire universe of sin from which the redeem will celebrate new heavens and a new earth, see II Pet. 3:10-13. OF course the question has been raised here whether Drone wars is successful, then the answer is no, drone wars, like all other wars dating back to Noah’s earth, cannot be won. This reality is what is being portrayed behind the second seal, the horse that was red, having a great sword, with power to take peace (The American Dream), from man that they kill one the other. This evident of truth is why there is nothing new under the sun, why man not only don’t change, he can’t change and thus why the Supreme Father. How even His pending judgments are the same today, yesterday and tomorrow, all the more this is why blessed is he who cometh in the name of the lord Father, Jesus Christ, that all heaven and earth will one day, REST!
-This is what the Apostle Paul forewarn of when he remind us we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but powers, and principalities, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wicked-ness in high places, (Satan’s seat, apostate churches, congregations, preachers preaching), easily Satanic, Demonic and Religious/Political rule, the real force, this spirit of discord behind all wars and manslaughter on this planet, all. Remember this is the unholy trinity, a self-styled angel of light and mercy, which hath come but for to steal, kill and destroy, when the Christ Lord coming to sacrifice his own life and blood, hath come that all mankind by a forgiveness and compassion yet except by Christ’s cross unfounded on this planet can instead reconcile themselves back to life, abundant, eternal. It is that crying aloud, sparing not unendingly unto the mount of Olivet, behold I stand at the door (heart’s door) and knock, if any man (nation, kingdom, tongue), will open the door to me, behold I will come in to him, and sup (befriend) with him and he with me.
-No this second seal rider is proof positive how truly satanic and demonic all slaughter of human life is, and with his demonic interference man will never seek peace but war. Assuredly it’s won first by killing man, it is just as surely lost by the man that kills, then is that taken constantly sought one to another leading to more killing. This why forgiveness and love rule, why it’s the single remedy, this divine antidote, for as long as we kill, and those we kill avenge it’s blood, this is the unending cycle mankind has been tangled into for many millennium. Sadly the leaders of the free world all to maintain an alleged by insurmountable bloodletting peace are immensely submerged into this thieving lie. One that blood battles to win wars thus the blood thirsty treasures of this world is that mightily edging us on forward toward a blood feud we’re incapable of setting ourselves free from, this vicious, vicious cycle, deemed the Kingdoms of men, even the American Dream.
-I know none here will admit it, but great nations like America exist because Jesus was rejected, refused of man, and crucified, it’s because of genocide, because of worldwide civil and social upheaval, bloddy daggar and all. Like all kingdoms of man it’s by nature evil, rooted and grounded so therein, this mean America, the free world, the religious world and world peace can't co-exist as they’re an enmity one to the other. Riddle me this, why couldn’t the man who build the time machine, why when going back he was unable to save his sweetheart, his long love. They couldn’t exist mutually because her death is why he build the time machine, if she’d not died so horribly, the time machine never would’ve existed.
-Truthfully, if Jesus Christ had never been bruised, rejected and crucified, but instead believed and received by the nation of Israel, it’s religious leaders, the Roman Empire would’ve eventually seceded to Israel, Israel no longer cursed to be trodden down of the gentiles would've been restored to the throne and no Gentile nation beyond the Roman Empire, like Daniel foresaw, would’ve again ruled. Mankind’s kingdom is this wild, dangerous, deadly world, it alone is what has given them place, prestige and overall power. This is why every time they attempt to draft a world peace sudden destruction lies there, right there in the unbalance, debatable heart-blood of it all, stealing, killing and destroying.
-Now unless someone successfully build a time machine and go back and prevent Jesus crucifixion, or the first Adam’s transgression, for this is as far as God’s mercy goes, herein bringing in this world only sustaining world peace God’s reigning kingdom. Though this isn’t possible and we’ve only reaped what the Jews and Gentiles seeming only yesterday, but ancient years ago did sow into the earth, either a blood atonement or a more sustaining blood guiltiness crying aloud, sparing not for days, generations and millenniums without end “his blood be upon us and our children.”
-This is remarkably divine if it’s his reconciling blood that washes away all sin, all transgressions to those who believe, it serves its inconceivable purpose. Though for the unbeliever, those despising and rejecting him still, it’s death yes, as is it appointed to all men to die, but is it as well judgment and the second death. John said and I saw the dead small and great stand before God, and the books were open, and another book was open, which is the book of life, and the dead was judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works.
-This has never been about mankind on his own bringing in world peace as they’re an enmity one toward the other, this is the great illusionist, this is the thieving lie. No the righteousness of God has always been about mankind by this blood atonement unfounded reconciling himself again by Christ Jesus’s cross. Again redeeming himself only by Christ Jesus’ cross, to God’s Kingdom, bringing an end to sin, resulting in everlasting righteousness and thus everlasting peace. This is the phenomenon that was being demonstrated spring of 1986, whereas I saw the Christ himself ascend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God. Three times this Holy Lord told me to come, and three times the prophet Ezekiel opened well-timed doors in God’s kingdom to me. This where we hear the Apostle John prophesying , after this I looked and behold a door was open in heaven, and the first voice which I heard was as it was a trumpet taking with me, which said, come up hither, and I will show you things which must be hereafter. See The Book of Revelation
-I know the vast majority of you don’t believe in a spirit world not realizing if you don’t believe in the spirit world you can’t believe in God, or the kingdom of God, as it is Holy Spirit. You see it isn’t just God’s Kingdom and the kingdom of believing man, but it is the deleterious, all boding evil world of spirits that as well give Christ cross divine merit. This truth as He’s to nail additionally to his bloody cross, leading captivity captived, crying aloud for I’ve overcome the world, Satanic/Demonic and Political rule. Though regardless of immense doubt and unbelief, the beginning of my ministry I looked into a dream whereas my niece Ebony and I were working in the ministry together. In this particular dreamscape I was packing a satchel, making ready to go and visit the people when I was forewarn how there where vicious dogs along the path. Apparently I didn’t care, what I had was mightily valuable to the people so I set out on this journey, just this happy go along out reach. It wasn’t long before I realize it wasn’t just dogs I was to fear, but it was demons, demon dogs I guess and they were set to come after me.
-Just as soon I realized there was this one leader of the pact in particular, giant, forceful, with the body of a bear, I always thought this tall giant of a monster like demon was the one of religion. Of apostate Christianity, it’s Jesus looking and declaring how he knew where Satan’s seat was, how it dwelled right there in the sanctuary of rebellious men. So I ran and when I ran I finally took refuge in a car, it wasn’t just any car it was a red car, red as in blood. When I looked from the window of one side of this car, all I could see was a field and a field after that field, and a field after this one. I saw fields far beyond what my eyes could normally see and they were all littered with bloody, broken, maimed bodies. It was a field of the dead, of all those who’d been slain and devoured by this tremendous beast, called world peace. Still as I turn to looked from the other side I saw what was a dungeon, I realized what was a deep, dark prison, that in this dungeon was there an even greater beast that was to come. I saw how his prison chains slowly and gradually gave him his way and soon I heard a voice say one beast is loosed and another, a greater one was to come.
-I looked still again, and this time I could see my husband coming after me, that together we fought, only together we wedged war against this beast, that only together did we defeat this beast. Though one beast was loosed and another, a greater was to come, this was the lament going on in my head, on and on. Of course right before Saddam was executed I looked into a similar dream, in the dream there was all kind of protest regarding Saddam Husseins filling stations. Then just as soon I saw the rise of two beast, one came up out of the land, and second came out of the sea, and they were great beast, that would harm man in great degree. Then just as soon I stared having dreams about sleeping, drinking and eating, even living with the anti-Christ, how he was the father and I the child, that he like the true Christ wasn’t only a son of father, but a beloved member of the family. The apostle John was shown the rise of two beast, Revelation 13, 14, one from the earth, and one from the sea, one the anti-Christ and the other the false prophet, obviously one local and one a foreigner.
-God’s answer to thousands of years of blood-guiltiness was to become flesh, this lamb of God, and herein through pure blood become a blood sacrifice for us, ideally and without controversy the only blood atonement (Jesus Christ), God will not despised. Though God’s purpose after the unrepentant where this guilt of blood, of iniquity yet remain it will all, and the emphasis is on all , it will all be met with astronomical judgment from God. Believe this Apostle that even as she write this, judgment hath come, whereas millions will perish. Just before the last earthquake in China, Indonesia, and a cyclone in some Asian village far away that buried thousands and thousands of people but especially children, I’d only days, or perhaps a week prior forewarn parents to spend as much quality time with their children as possible. The Holy Spirit went as far as to warn you to get them, your children out of buildings, out of all buildings. I knew when I made this forewarning it wasn’t foreseeable by anyone, how could it be, we’re talking about the American Dream and the American way of life that stretches across all nations, worlds and continents, regardless be ye forewarn additionally.
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Prophecy Link
-There's something about an invasion, one on American soil, about all preparing for war, for battle, a dangerous fall of peace and safety continuously on the map 06/20/2005, 07/12/2006, 08/15/2007, 10/03/2008, 10/12/2008, 01/09/2010
-Seen to be seeing readied, alert and now fleeing for their lives, for their children lives stampeding people on the map. Seen to be seeing those left behind getting a sharp, painful, very large syringe to the chest, the heart, ending up nothing but a brown paper Mache on the refrigerator, beware 1995, 2003, 2005, 2007, 03/27/2009
-There's something about the most Special Couple of all (see Jesus and the Church bride) taking precedence over the residing presidential couple (the Obamas). About a vicious, deadly, even demonic manner of resistance 05/17/2010
-There's something about bomb threats, explosions and being taken captive, something about using a lengthy strand of hair to measure all the death, dying and gore 05/19/2010 (see Rev. 14:17-20, God's wrath, six feet, see unprecedented tribulation).
-There's something about a brand new Whitehouse, how glorious, magnificent unto a number measure measuring 15%, see fifteen percent of the world's population 05/19/2010
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To Selah: I Surrdener All
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
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